Modding the World of Goo betas
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Thu, 12/16/2010 - 20:21
Hey guys, I was thinking of modifying the last revision of World of Goo beta that Kyle and Ron posted in their blog to show all the unavailable stuff that was cut out.
With normal play, you can only get to the level Jaw Bridge before the game crashes. I was just wondering if you guys think this is a good idea, or I am just being dumb and operating on something old and no one uses... I was also planning on adding some new levels of my own and putting new music in.
Unfortunately, that normally causes a crash. The only safe thing to do is make Jaw Bridge's ballsrequired=0, which lets you finish. Fly Away Little Ones still has a major bug that can't be avoided, either.
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yeah, Nick Faro, Ive tried it already, before and when I knew what Goofans was...
But, there IS a way, you can make new levels and replace the BAD ones with the new ones...
I dunno
TM13's View of the World of Goo: PART 1 is now out!
(I now go by ENDESGA)
I tried to fix Fly Away Little Ones that way, but it still had the BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH bug.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
I've always had that bug.
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
You can avoid fly away little ones. I had actually fixed it before I posted here and made a bunch of progress and eliminated basically all crashes from normal play. Then I lost all my work in an accident. I was able to salvage some graphics but that's about it. I just contacted here to wonder if I should stop my work or continue and people would like it. Here's the link to my very early patch for fly away little ones. It does crash at the second island though
I was actually thinking about designing the rest of the game and making new levels. Wow that post was really long! it does crash on the next level, but it does show that you can get past fly away little ones, and that the second island is accessible. Zoom out from Goo Filled Hills to get to the second map after you beat the second going up.
Uh....what do I put in here?...
Do any of you know how to write some spikes in XML, because it seems that the deadly value won't work, and apparently there is NO way to kill goo balls in the levels, but the game crashes alot to make up for that
So if anyone has any idea of how to write some code for killing goo balls, that would be much helpful.
Uh....what do I put in here?...
Nope, it doesn't seem possible in the betas. Sorry.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Uh....what do I put in here?...
It seems sort of like they are. Any edits crash the game.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Any edits to what? I can't see any geometry besides the goo ball ones, or any physics at all.
Uh....what do I put in here?...
Adding more goo, moving images...
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
I made some new goo. It worked great, but it looked ugly. (My drawing skill) You can totally edit lots of stuff,
I'm just joking.
but no physics, or geometry?I got it working by combining the physics engine 2d boy made with the newer version of content, and now I can make spikes and stuff work. Thanks for helping me out, guys.Uh....what do I put in here?...
Hi again. I've been kind of working on this project in and out for a while and here's what I have so far. If anyone can beat giantcryingrobot please do tell me! Does anyone want to help out on this? Basically what I've done is take an older version of the game and a newer version, and merged them to get the best engine with the best content. I'd love some help with this and making new levels and such. If anyone wants to help, just tell me because i'd be more than happy.
Uh....what do I put in here?...
Nice hybrid! Mine crashed on Small Divide Clone. Otherwise, it seems to be an improvement.
Thanks for the complimient! That seems to be a troublesome area...It rarely lets you get past.
Uh....what do I put in here?...
hmm... Doesn't seem to work for me. :/
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
That's too weird, what's the error say?
Uh....what do I put in here?...
It says:
Exception: Access Violation (code 0xc0000005) at address 00425D97 in thread 1708
Module: Tower of Goo Beta.exe
Logical Address: 0001:00024D97
0012F9F0 00425D97 0001:00024D97 Tower of Goo Beta.exe
Params: 0012FBA4 0131E92C 0131E9B0 0131F2F0
StackWalk failed (error 299)
EAX:0131E928 EBX:06DC58E0 ECX:0131EA70 EDX:00425D70 ESI:0131E980 EDI:00000000
EIP:00425D97 ESP:0012F980 EBP:0012F9F0
CS:001B SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000
Windows Ver: NT 6.1 Build 7600
DDraw Ver: 6.1.7600.16385
DSound Ver: 6.1.7600.16385
Product: goo
Version: 0.1
Time Loaded: 00:03:29
Fullscreen: Yes
Primary ThreadId: 1708
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
De Fullscreen it and try it again. If anyone would like to help out on this i'd love it!
Uh....what do I put in here?...
Its the same as the Real World of goo, right? Full screen is still Alt+enter?
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
That's how it is for most all programs.
Uh....what do I put in here?...
I can't because it crashes beforee I can do anything. D:
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Oh well, that's too bad.
Uh....what do I put in here?...
Yick, that old link for the download has a bunch of spyware and ads and other unmentionable stuff on it, so here's the new one.
Uh....what do I put in here?...
Now the thing is totally empty! :/
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Huh, I have no idea why it'd do that. Does anyone want to help on this because i'd love it.
EDIT: I'm developing a auto port utility to make it so that you can make levels in woogle and port them to beta format!
Uh....what do I put in here?...
EDIT: I'm developing a auto port utility to make it so that you can make levels in woogle and port them to beta format!
Two Things:
1) That sounds hard. Not the coding, but the translation. I don't know how the original program core works. How similar is it to today's WoG?
2) I just realized, why are we modding beta again? The new engine works better with less crashes and more capabilities.
The main difference is in the
s, and that there's nopipe
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Uh, yeah, but I have always been curious with beta software, and thought some other people might be too.
The engine is very similar to today's WoG. I ported Ivy Towers but the solid geometry needs work.
Uh....what do I put in here?...
The engine is very similar to today's WoG. I ported Ivy Towers but the solid geometry needs work.
Alright, I guess I'm interested in how the beta version holds up with levels. Changing the geometry seems a good step to take. Try recreating those aspects of the level that won't work. Just look at some of the old levels and do some "messing".