EOL scene on iPhone

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Joined: 01/06/2011


Can someone post screenshot of EOL (end of level) screen from the iPad version of the game.
EOL scene has some errors (misplaced "Continue" button's rope) on the iPhone so I want to compare iPhone and iPad screenshots before I start fixing iPhone version EOL scene. Wink

Thanks in advance!

Joined: 12/23/2010

Wouldn't a screenshot of the PC version be enough?

Joined: 11/30/2010

nice profile pic ozzy
i have a similar picture not as good though!

get my first theme here:
it is called ivygreen

Joined: 01/06/2011

@puggsoy: Give it a shot. Set the game resolution to 1024x768 and then take a screenshot.

@bubblefish4: Thanks! I found it on Google. Laughing out loud

Joined: 03/31/2009

Here you can see iPad EOL:

The reason iPhone has this (and some more) bugs is the difference in screen size between iPhone and iPad

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Joined: 12/23/2010

OzzY wrote:
Give it a shot. Set the game resolution to 1024x768 and then take a screenshot.

Well, changing the game resolution (through config.txt) to your values results in the game .exe saying "Failed creating the Direct3D device", so I'm assuming that the PC version can't display that ratio. But Pavke should have what you want in his video, so it doesn't matter.