Probably the easiest thing to do is to base it off puggsoy's. Tm13's has a few issues with it that I'd rather not see repeated in another .goomod.
Basically, the idea is that you put a bunch of levels together manually, and edit a bunch of xml to get it all hooked up together properly. It's pretty advanced goomodding, so I'd only recommend it if you know XML fairly well already and know a lot already about the internal workings of goomods. If you do already, I'm sure someone would be glad to help walk you through making a chapter.
correct grammar: how do i make a custom chapter
this is very hard ask someone who has actually made one like tm13 or puggsoy.
get my first theme here:
it is called ivygreen
Probably the easiest thing to do is to base it off puggsoy's. Tm13's has a few issues with it that I'd rather not see repeated in another .goomod.
Basically, the idea is that you put a bunch of levels together manually, and edit a bunch of xml to get it all hooked up together properly. It's pretty advanced goomodding, so I'd only recommend it if you know XML fairly well already and know a lot already about the internal workings of goomods. If you do already, I'm sure someone would be glad to help walk you through making a chapter.
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