World of Goo Far Lands Questions and such

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Joined: 04/23/2011

Hi, I've been modding for a while (even before I joined) but have gotten some pretty big concepts down like mutiple/fake pipes thanks to DaB (which I'm going to use in a future level so keep an eye out! Wink) but when I downloaded World of Goo Far Lands and started playing, questions started flowing into my head!

1. How do you beat level 7 and 8?

2. Is the music from a movie? It sounds so professional like it could be!

3. Why do the creators of Far Lands need more funding to make the rest of the game? To pay people to actually perfom the composed music to record it or what?

4. How do I make my own game sort of like that by editing the existing chapters of the game?
(Because I have no clue about anything Xml or such but I have worked a little with html? Is that simillar? Or could DaB be on top of me by creating a chapter creator/editior and leave me wondering why I didn't just wait?!?

Please help! Thanks! Lol! Smile Sad Tongue B-)

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!

Joined: 08/06/2010

Levels 7 and 8 are nearly--but not quite--impossible.

The music was composed by Hany. I think we're allowed to use it in other goomods.

Hany just needsneeded money. Since the 2D Boy Forums closed we haven't seen him.

Email me at AlbinoPokey(at)gmail(dot)com

By the way, XML is like HTML except you can use whatever tags and attributes you want. It's a common storage file format because you can make programs to read it.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 04/23/2011

Wow! I'd sure like to hear from Hany! That music has inspried me because I write my own music and now that music has given me ideas! Wherever he is tell him thanks for composing such great music!

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!

Joined: 04/23/2011

Um... AP are you busy? I've sent you another e-mai but you haven't responded or did you not get it?l

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!

Joined: 04/23/2011

PS. I beat levels 7 and 8 and Ocd number 7!
PSS. Are you sure hanny composed the music? When I converted the files to listen to them on my phone it says they were composed by a guy named vangelis and used in the movie Alexander!... Is that illegal?

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!

Joined: 04/23/2011

I also forgot a question! Why do the levels in Far Lands except level 7 not have ocd flags pop up when you get ocd?

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!

Joined: 08/06/2010

1) I wrote you an email back...I'll check if it sent. Puzzled
2) If you converted them to MP3, then the converter program added those tags. OGG Vorbis doesn't store the composer's name.
3) Are you running the original (total conversion) or the goomodded version of Far Lands?

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 04/23/2011

Original extracted version of it because goo tool dosn't like the goomod version. And I used Free Rip to convert the music but I also looked up vangellis on wikipedia and he composed those songs!

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!

Joined: 09/01/2009

@Gooballs Of Fire: Please don't triple-post. Thank you.

Joined: 04/23/2011

Oops... Sorry MOM4Evr, but I still don't know how to go back and edit my posts! Lol

Wait I just figured it out!! LOL! Laughing out loud

Did you get another e-mail AP?

Sorry if I ask this but... AP do I need to remind you to check your e-mails? Or do you have millions to respond to so that's why it takes so long for me to get a response? :S

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!