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Joined: 04/23/2011

I recently edited the mapworldview in my new game I'm making the way AlbinoPokey told me but the game keeps crashing and it dosn't open up!! What could be wrong?!? I saw somewhere on the site that mapworldview had to have world of goo corp and island 6 or else it didn't work. Does that mean that in my edit since I deleted those it won't work because I don't want wogcorp,wogcorp3d,wogcorpdystroyed or island 6 there at all!(At least not visable and playable) HOW CAN I DO THIS AFTER I'VE ALREADY RENAMED EVERYTHING IN THE FOLDERS TO REPLACE MAPWORLDVIEW?!?

Sorry if I lost paitence... Sad( Sad

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!

Joined: 09/01/2009

Check here to see if you did anything wrong:

You need the wogcorp_intact, wogcorp_3d, wogcorp_destroyed, and island6 buttons to be there. I suggest you put them back in. I'm not certain... you may be able to hide them. But it also may be that wogcorp_3d and wogcorp_destroyed crop back up even if you hide them, because they're part of the hardcoded part. I suggest digging around in the reference guide and seeing if you can even do what you are currently trying to do. Wink

Joined: 04/23/2011

Hmm.... I re-read the reference guide and I see another thing I deleted that looks like it has to be there! The label for new gooballs in wogcorp and the newmail icon thing! I also by editing the xmls for my worldview (since woogle dosn't let me edit it anymore cause I replaced the other worldview already) put island 6 wogcorp wogcorp3d wogcorpdystroyed back in and also found a way to hide them anyway! By making the depth 1 in the xml on all of those buttons it hides them behind my new map so the player can't see them and can't acess them! Smile the bad thing is now I'll also have to do that with the newmail and newballs labels and I don't know where to find those in the original mapworldview xmls to copy them over and paste them back in my new edited one! D you have an idea about where to find those things in the xml so I can fix that? Then maybe it won't crash cause I'll put them back in!!

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!

Joined: 09/01/2009

Oh, yeah, digging through XML is fun. Smile
Glad you found a solution to hiding the buttons, by the way. That's really clever of you. Maybe you could also move them way off the screen, so they're there but can't be clicked on.

To find the newmail and newballs labels, probably the best idea is to do a search through the XML file (If you're in Notepad, there should be a "Search..." option in the Edit menu). Then you can find them easily in a single click. Wink

Joined: 04/23/2011

Sigh! NOOOO! Okay I put all the things it needs to work back in there: island6,wogcorp,wogcorp3d,wogcorpdystroyed,newmail icon,newballs label and... IT DIDN'T WORK!! It still crashes right from the start despite that I put those all back in the xml files and encrypted them again and despite that when I looked at the mapworldview in woogle to check if it worked that I saw everything I added there (Though I can't edit it in woogle) IT WON'T WORK!?!?!?!?

Any suggestions as to what's missing or wrong?!?

Please? Sad :( :< :'(

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!

Joined: 09/01/2009

I'd recommend looking carefully through the list I linked to earlier and making sure that everything is correct there.
If you can't find the problem, upload the file someplace and link to it here, and I'll take a look at it.

Joined: 04/23/2011

GASP!.......... I don't belive it! All the reasons I fixed and it didn't work becasue I had the id for the islands as island1real instead of island1 and now IT WORKS!!!!!! THANKS MOM4EVER FOR HELPING ME!! Now it just needs some adjusting because there are some strange glitches I need to fix... for instance: the text for displaying the island names like Chapter 1 Goo filled hills (Actually I now edited that to display something else) Wink and the music could be louder and the screen bigger or the images smaller... etc.

BUT AWESOME IT WORKS! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!