Also known as the Main menu, if you are considering a re-design or a “mod” to the MapWorldView level, you will need to make sure that you follow certain rules and include all the items which the game exe will attempt to access and manipulate.
It is recommended, if you are distributing a goomod, you merge your changes into the MapWorldView rather than compiling a new one, so that your mod will interact nicely with other mods that affect this screen.
All the following items are required in the MapWorldView level. If any are missing the game will crash, usually right at the start.
buttongroup id="mainbuttongroup" (must contain at least 1 button)
button id="island1"
button id="island2"
button id="island3"
button id="island4"
button id="island5"
button id="island6" (Always invisible, can't be used but must be there)
button id="wogcorp_intact"
button id="wogcorp_3d"
button id="wogcorp_destroyed"
buttongroup id="boringmenugroup" (must contain at least 1 button)
button id="quit" onclick="quit"
button id="changename" onclick="selectprofile"
button id ="credits" onclick="credits"
label id="newballs" text="LABEL_PLUS_X"
SceneLayer id="newmail"
So long as the above items are all present, you can modify the MapWorldView layout / level however you wish.
Commands and Actions
Action: island{Number}, selectprofile, credits, quit , wogcorp
Display: island{Number}showtext, islandhidetext
wogcorpshowtext, wogcorpdshowtext, showtooltip, hidetooltip
For more details see [ Commands and Actions ]
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Sat, 11/06/2010 - 20:30
Correction: the first buttongroup must have id="mainbuttongroup", not "mainmenugroup"
EDIT: Fixed it myself. MUAHAHA!
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Sun, 11/07/2010 - 05:35
true, and hey, MOM4Evr, thanks again
on Monday (your Sunday) I need some MORE testing
TM13's View of the World of Goo: PART 1 is now out!
(I now go by ENDESGA)
Sun, 11/07/2010 - 07:59
Also, the arrows are always in a certain position relative to the buttons.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sun, 03/20/2011 - 18:31
This makes the map look funny when the MapWorldView mod by Daft as Brush is enabled.
[SXQDJ] Cydushqvj, Fehjqb 2, Juhhqhyq.... Cydushqvj, Fehjqb 2, Juhhqhyq... Cydushqvj, Fehjqb 2, Juhhqhyq... Cydushqvj, Fehjqb 2, Juhhqhyq...
Use this website to decrypt that. A Caesar Cipher with Key 12+
Thu, 11/10/2011 - 15:13
Please call me "multi"
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/multidan250gaming?feature=mhee
Thu, 11/10/2011 - 16:45
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Wed, 05/03/2017 - 14:53
I'm scared to use this.. The last time I tried, I did not go well...
I now go by StrixToxis.
Sat, 12/16/2017 - 16:12
newmail unfortunately doesnt show up when i want to change the SceneLayer id. If i open the map in the World of goo level editor, the text "newmail" appears in red. Could you help me?
Sun, 12/17/2017 - 00:48
IF you want to turn mapworldview into a goomod, set the id to something else. After, create a goomod, unzip it, and go to compile/res/levels/MapWorldView/ and find the scene xml. From there, search for the id you replaced, and type in "newmail". That's it.
I made goomods.