Can you make custom particles?

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Joined: 02/20/2021

I want to make custom particles for my Ice Cube gooball (IceCubeTrappedGoo, IceCubeUC2Trapped(Drag version too), and IceCubeEmptyNoDrag)

I want to make it sorta just make dripping particles so that its basically "melting".
By particles i mean like the rain effect for example, but i want to make my own custom particles.

Joined: 12/19/2016

You can! World of Goo stores particles in the file properties/fx.xml.bin (not in the res folder) and you need to overwrite that file in a goomod. How exactly you do it is too complicated to explain here, but check other goomods' merge/res/fx.xml files to see how they do it! (Mods like The Unknown World did custom particles, so you'll want to look at those)

Joined: 02/20/2021

well im looking for a way to make custom particles MYSELF. i dont know how to animate it.

Joined: 12/19/2016

That's what I suggested. If you wanted to make water dripping, you could copy something like the goo drip particle, change the image to water, and tweak the numbers to get the animation right, YOURSELF.
Edit: The alternative to this is to just write it all by hand, which is about as hard as it sounds.

Joined: 02/20/2021

I mean theres nothing that will let me tweak or edit a particle effect... So this is confusing. WOGME only lets you do cutscenes and anims, WOOGLE is self explanatory, and same for WOOGBE.

(BTW i got a captcha to post my message that is out of the ordinary...
Here is the funi captcha

Joined: 12/19/2016

You need to edit the actual XML files. This is why I recommended taking a look at other goomods, so you can see where you need to put your files (and what to put in them)

Joined: 02/20/2021

|EZ PEASY. this will be ok to edit for me i have seen other XML files in other games too.
and i have seen some from WoG so ok. also do you enjoy the funi captcha

(Protip: caca in spanish and romanian (i am romanian) means "poop")

Joined: 02/20/2021

Wait theres a problem, i cant find the particles XML's
Edit: nvm im dumbbbbbbb

Joined: 05/11/2011

Here's a guide as to how particles work.

While it's always good to check goomods when uncertain as to how to do something, I don't think that's the best idea here. What I would do instead is use gootool to decrypt the particles.xml file (and the resources.xml file as well, if you're adding any custom images). You can look through the existing particles, copy a preexisting one, and tweak it until you have the desired effect. One done, you just need to encrypt the files and you should be able to use your new particle.

Also there's no particle editor, so you'll need a text editor if you plan to create particles.

I made goomods.

Joined: 02/20/2021

ok, one more thing, how does the pipe get animated with the dust coming in and it growing and shrinking and stuff?

Joined: 05/11/2011

stefix2200 wrote:
ok, one more thing, how does the pipe get animated with the dust coming in and it growing and shrinking and stuff?

Interesting question. I checked the anim to see if there were any pipe animations, but found nothing. So the way the pipe scales inwards and out when active is probably hardcoded. As for the pipe, while initially I thought it was a particle, the dust by the pipe moves inwards, which as far as I know isn't exactly possible with particles. So that's likely to be hardcoded as well.

I made goomods.

Joined: 02/20/2021

so ig half the things in the game are hardcoded bruh
im wondering how many particles are there...
INCLUDING hardcoded ones.

Joined: 05/11/2011

stefix2200 wrote:
so ig half the things in the game are hardcoded bruh
im wondering how many particles are there...
INCLUDING hardcoded ones.

Since I've no idea how to decompile the game, I've no idea how many hardcoded particles exists. However, if you check out this page you'll get a pretty good idea as to what particles there are in the game.

I made goomods.

Joined: 02/20/2021

ok. anyway, new level uploaded. also, is there like any way to make your own particles with your own animations?

Joined: 05/11/2011

stefix2200 wrote: there like any way to make your own particles with your own animations?

Particles have <axialsinoffset>, which is basically the same as <sinanim> that gooballs have. It would allow you to change how particles move along a certain axis. If that's what you're talking about, then yeah you can absolutely create particles with their own unique animations. I would suggest though that you get familiar with sine curves, just so you get a better idea as to how that would affect the movement of the particle.

But if that's not what you mean, then you probably want to know that animations are used to apply things like translations and scaling to scene layers. Think of the trees in Blustery Day or Fisty in Fisty Reaches Out (which is kind of a special case considering those animations aren't located in the anim folder)

I made goomods.

Joined: 11/29/2020

I have a doubt
Why does WoG crash when I put a custom image?

I'm the only Hispanic in goofans, I don't know

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Joined: 02/20/2021

andreX100proo wrote:
I have a doubt
Why does WoG crash when I put a custom image?

a bit off topic but thats probably a bug with your game, or something my brain is too small to recognize. Try sending any error it tells you... or else, try putting another image, i put hundreds of custom images in my WoG and i got no crash, i suggest you may reinstall, or make another copy (reinstall or copy the gootool version!!! dont do it to normal one)

edit: i found out my link is exactly 182700 LOL Big smile

Joined: 11/29/2020

I mean a custom particle image made by me crashes the wog

I'm the only Hispanic in goofans, I don't know

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Joined: 02/20/2021

i make mine with so i dont know what is wrong with yours... maybe its causing an error of sorts. send the error please and i or gooey goo can investigate further

Joined: 05/11/2011

andreX100proo wrote:
I mean a custom particle image made by me crashes the wog

If your particle uses custom images, then likely you forgot to add those images to the resources file.

I made goomods.

Joined: 11/29/2020

and how I do it
maybe in another bin file I transform it to XML for editing

I'm the only Hispanic in goofans, I don't know

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Joined: 11/29/2020

but where is this file
Is it in resources.xml.bin?

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Joined: 05/11/2011

andreX100proo wrote:
but where is this file
Is it in resources.xml.bin?

yeah, sorry for not being specific. You need to add it to the resources.bin file, so you just need to decrypt it, add the resource, then reencrypt it.

I made goomods.

Joined: 11/29/2020

ok tanks Laughing out loud

I'm the only Hispanic in goofans, I don't know

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