Explanation of the id attribute in SceneLayer

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Joined: 07/05/2011

Daft as Brush thought the id attribute is an identifier for SceneLayers, but it isn't, the attribute name is. So that's why WooGLE automatically generate the id when you copy and paste a SceneLayer.

Then what can id do?

First of all, you should know there are a lot of *.anim.binltl files in res/anim. I call these files Global Animations. There are also a few *.anim.binltl files in the level directory such as res/levels/FistyReachesOut. I call these files Local Animations. When you create an animation and you want to apply it in only one level, you should put it under your level directory.

And that's what id can do. You can enter the file name without extension for its value to apply an animation to a SceneLayer no matter it is a Global Animation or a Local Animation.

There is also an anim attribute for SceneLayer which can also apply animations to the SceneLayer. The difference is that you can only apply Global Animations when using anim.

So what will happen when you set both id and anim?

The answer is that the id will be ignored.

So I recommend you to use anim when applying Global Animations and use id when applying Local Animations. Wink

Joined: 08/06/2010

It's also necessary in island files for OCD flags and levelpipes.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 12/23/2010

That's interesting. I'll see if I can find the time soon to update the level editing reference guide, both with this and a lot of other things that haven't been done yet (such as signs).