[solved] Segmentation fault on Fedora 16 32bit
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Fri, 05/11/2012 - 15:44
I'd installed the rpm, but when running I was getting a Segmentation fault. From the log, I observed that the libSDL_mixer is loaded from the libs32 directory. I renamed that directory to bak_libs32 and now everything works like a charm. Don't know why the version of the library from the libs32 was being used instead of the system-wide one that works.
Thanks for posting this, it'll be sure to help others who have the same problem.
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I had the same problem on my XUbunto 12.04 x64.
So I wrote a little install script which may help to solve the library issue.
It will install a WoG install package + required libraries and also set the display resolution automatically.
You can download it from here:
Download it next to your .deb or .rpm package of WoG.
The package is not required if WoG is already installed.
In a Shell, cd where you have downloaded the install-script.
Copy the following into your shell:
chmod +x install_WorldOfGoo.sh
Note: You need to type your superuser password to install the libraries.