Steam WOG Crash when try to Start

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Joined: 12/28/2014

Hi there , i buy the World Of Goo from Steam . i saw this just have the "32 Bits" World Of Goo , i have a 64 Bits distro.

The First is the game search the file "res/fonts/DialogBubble18" (why ?)

Well , the another thing its , i play the game during aprox 3 days very fine . but yesterday , i dont know why , the game just send the SIG11

I can see this when im trying to Start :
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 22000
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561197999918617 [API loaded no]
Segmentation fault
Game removed: AppID 22000 "World of Goo", ProcID 7670

Well i test with Demo Version , too Segmentation Fault
with the Full Version 1.4 , too Segmetation Fault
with the Full Version 1.4 + 3 Files Patchs , in Native 64 Bits mode , Segmetation Fault
with the Full Version 1.4 + 3 Files Patchs , in 32 Bits mode , Segmetation Fault

I has download and try to using PlayOnLinux + Steam + Wine + Steam WoG , and well the Windows version works , tooo sloow , but work XD .

Someone have a fix ?

I know the Segmetation Fault its an error with the ram memory , when the binary try to read and/or write in there .

Someone knows if posible with a tool "Clean all memory ram" or something like that ??? for test if that works for Stops the Segmetations Faults ???

Thank you for any help you can give me.

Joined: 09/01/2009

Firstly, wrong subforum, moved.
Secondly, read the sticky topic:
Thirdly, kindly remove the links from your signature. They're broken anyway, and make you look like a spammer. Spammers get banned around here.