
Mygod's picture


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I make stuff.
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World of Goo

Towers by Mygod
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
MygodWed, 07/06/2011 - 04:1720.98m1,2181 day 14 hours
MygodThu, 05/02/2013 - 08:2741.32m1,3705 days 6 hours
Addins by Mygod

Evil Eye 3D

Evil Eye 3D

Change your evil eye into 3D! Laughing out loud
Images from Android version of World of Goo. Special thanks to Kyle & Ron.

0.4 changelog: Removed shine and unchanged resources.

Snowblower Bugs

Snowblower Bugs in Upper Shaft

Give your time bugs a funny ability to blow snow! Laughing out loud
(this is my first ball style, welcome to try it Wink)

P.S. The XSL in this goomod is also a template. Feel free to use it.

Very Tall

A 50-meter tall level! It sounds crazy!
OCD: Collect 30 balls
Thanks @Mygod for telling me that undeletenow can be used in onclick!

0.2 Update:
Add music.
Chang OCD

Weird Strand Level

There are some weird strand in this level!
Thanks @Mygod for testing!

The Other Side of the Planet

Chapter minus 1

My first chapter. This chapter is the prequel of the Moon chapter so it is Chapter -1! Tongue


If you cannot download the 1.1 goomod below, try this mirror:
Some of the levels require you to think. If you don't know how to beat the level or get OCD, just think about it. Wink
This level will overwrite Chapter 3, so if you want to play the original levels in Chapter 3, you can try this awesome goomod called World Spin.

World of Goo Modifier

WoGModifier Main Icon

World of Goo Modifier (aka WoGModifier) is a utility that helps you goomod more easier and faster.


You need to install .NET Framework 4.5.1 (or this link) before using this program, just like you must install JRE before using GooTool.
Although it's a preview version but it has all functions it ever had! And more functions!
Welcome to try and give me some suggestions! And please rate after trying. Tongue


Through It Be Careful (TIBC)

going up.

I'm first use the slider&hinge&motor.So this level is not very Stable.

Central Processing Unit

∞ Infinite

My seventh level. It's Intel Ivy Bridge i3 Central Processing Unit (tm) which has 2 cores and 4 threads! (moderator this is NOT spamming Tongue)
Weird gravity makes goo balls fly like sine wave, oval or infinity which can make a lot of fun! Well, the level itself isn't difficult but it's fun, enjoy it. Laughing out loud
Goal: 6 balls
OCD: 20 balls
Please rate this after downloading. Thanks. Laughing out loud

0.2 Updated

Moved this level to Chapter 4.

xinxin's first level

Be careful!(小心点!)

This is my first level.This is easy too.(My name called inxin.)

-Thanks Mygod and jackchen2345.

Trapped in the Island


My sixth level and also my third level in the midnight. This level is my first try to use the slider (twice). Watch out the broken boat!
Goal: 16 balls
OCD: 32 balls

P.S. Goo balls cannot dive too deep.


Member for
13 years 35 weeks


Junior ArchitectAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD