
Mygod's picture


About Me

I make stuff.
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World of Goo

Towers by Mygod
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
MygodWed, 07/06/2011 - 04:1720.98m1,2181 day 14 hours
MygodThu, 05/02/2013 - 08:2741.32m1,3705 days 6 hours
Addins by Mygod

Beauty High School


My 13th level! This level contains another idea that...


To extend the features I copied a Beauty, but it's true that Beauty can have strands. (unluckily WooGLE doesn't allow you to do that)

It's a quite easy level about whacking Beauty, enjoy. Wink

Going Fire

changed the background before!

The level is a challeng level.
Because use Bug can OCD----Extinguishing Bug!
Easy to goal,but try the OCD!

Virtual Cliff hanger

Help the virtual gooballs get to the virtual pipe and keep that pokey goo away from the virtual sign painter!
This is my third level second uploaded please post a comment if there are any bugs and also please tell me what you think.
this level will appear in chapter 4 thanks to mygod.
EDIT: First map to 100!!!!!! YAY

Escape from Prison


My 12th level! What's in this level:

  1. A weird combination of thruster and rigid strand;
  2. nodrag - a new tag!
  3. A weird glitch about forcefield. (that is WHY goo ball will never be static on the water)

Enjoy it! Laughing out loud

P.S. This level is loaded in Chapter 3.

Little Inferno Level Creation Contest

It's Little Inferno Just For Me!

These are all four entries from the Little Inferno Level Creation Contest. The contest is over now, but feel free to play the levels below!

The level-by-level breakdown, as well as the winner, can be found here.

BUG School #6


This level shows you how to use staticwhenattachedingeom attribute.

P.S. Actually there is no such attribute! Evil

Goal: 8 balls
OCD: 45 seconds

It's an easy level. I hope you enjoy it. Wink


Where is green?
Have fun!

Thanks:Mygod ceo5686

BUG School #5


This level shows you the bug about the water disappears while the geometry is pulled out of the hinge. Goal is quite easy if you know the trick. OCD needs luck.
Goal: 4 balls
OCD: 4 moves

Good luck. Wink
Special thanks to @wogfan and @jackchen2345.

Observatory Observation Station OCD mod

This goomod can let the level Observatory Observation Station get an OCD flag! (if you can finish it in 40 seconds)Wink
Thanks @Mygod for Making templates!

Whistle Particle Changer


Tired of original whistle particle in the game?
Try Whistle Particle Changer!Wink
These goomod will make your whistle have a different appearance.


You should ONLY install one of these addins and Whistle color at a time or it will conflict with other addins since you can't use two whistler style at the same time. Please do not enable two or more of them at the same time.


Member for
13 years 35 weeks


Junior ArchitectAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD