
Mygod's picture


About Me

I make stuff.
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World of Goo

Towers by Mygod
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
MygodWed, 07/06/2011 - 04:1720.98m1,2181 day 14 hours
MygodThu, 05/02/2013 - 08:2741.32m1,3705 days 6 hours
Addins by Mygod

World of Goo HD Easter Eggs for PC

World of Goo with Mighty Blimp

1.3 Updated

Changed level text for Route 99 according to the latest iOS version. Add a homemade up icon on the world view. Wink

1.2 Updated

Using the latest resources. Changed the island icon for island5. Added a particle effect and some unused resources. Feel free to use these resources. Wink

1.1 Updated

New Feature:
1. Moved Route 99 to island4.
2. Moved Mighty Blimp to island5 and show on MapWorldView.

Now you can see your blimp on the world. Cool

Falling Surprise

Falling Surprise

My first level, welcome to play. Smile

World of Goo Level Editor

v0.73 - Goos look like goos!

"World of Goo Level Editor (aka WooGLE) is a level editor for the great puzzle game World of Goo. With WooGLE you can create new levels or tweak existing ones. It also integrates with World of Goo, allowing you to test the level you are editing by a simple button click."
Picking up where (nitro)zark(92) left off...
Aiming to improve on his fine work, and rewrite bits that aren't quite so fine.

Intro, FAQ, Info and Reference Pages, Guides... and NOW a tutorial....


Member for
13 years 35 weeks


Junior ArchitectAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD