World of Goo Level Editor

v0.73 - Goos look like goos!Authors: Mygod, Daft as Brush
Total downloads: 57,026
Latest version: 0.78 RC7
Release date: 11/06/2014 - 09:42
Overall rating
Your rating: None Average: 4.8 (87 votes)

"World of Goo Level Editor (aka WooGLE) is a level editor for the great puzzle game World of Goo. With WooGLE you can create new levels or tweak existing ones. It also integrates with World of Goo, allowing you to test the level you are editing by a simple button click."
Picking up where (nitro)zark(92) left off...
Aiming to improve on his fine work, and rewrite bits that aren't quite so fine.

Intro, FAQ, Info and Reference Pages, Guides... and NOW a tutorial....
Notes for Linux users...

Changes / Improvements in v0.77

see version.txt for full details
New: Tabbed Windows with Dirty Status icons
New: Recent Levels List
New: Filter for Edit Level list.. All, Original Only, Custom Only
New: Show/Hide buttons for particles and labels
New: Update Resources button now also refreshes the image cache.
Added: pulse attribute on signposts
Added: tilecount attributes for scenelayer (require tilex/y to be true)
Added: Tree Refreshing on load and make goomod
Added: Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete... works with multiple selections
Change: Now loads animation names from files in anim folder
Change: ball xml files now transferred "unmolested" from .bin to goomod xml
Improved: Advice, Warnings and Critical errors better formatted
Improved: Resource file validation & CaSe correction (Windows only)

Notable / Major Improvements since v0.5

Made and Verified Linux and Mac Compatible
Goo Balls look like they should
New Selection routines. No more separate Select Mode and Move Mode
New Toolbars for adding objects and adding Goos
Import Images directly from files, no need to type the paths anymore
Strand Mode : To easily add strands between Goos
"One-Shot" Set Music and Set LoopSound buttons
Undo and Redo!
Paste now puts item at the Mouse Pointer
Orthogonal Moving and Aspect-Preserving Resizing
All visual elements can be moved, resized and rotated graphically.
Show / Hide buttons for Cameras, ForceFields, Graphics, Geometry and Goos
Handles TEXT resources for signs and labels, with multi-line text dialog.
Create .goomod files in one click (maybe 2)
Full recursive depandacy checking and optional inclusion in goomod files.
Includes all custom ball data (ball folders, xml files, images, sounds)
Automatically creates xsl files for custom particle effects and custom materials
Many error checks added to prevent WoG crashing when you run the level.
Bi-linear filtering added to all images (Much Improved Image Quality)
Allows Custom Pipe Types

IMPORTANT Info for Windows Users:

To play your levels directly from WoG Editor you need the WoG v1.3 patch.
Available here ->

There are 3 screenshots.

v0.73 - Goos look like goos!
v0.74 - Improved Graphics
v0.74 - Graphics Hidden
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
0.78 RC7WindowsThu, 11/06/2014 - 09:42WooGLE-0.78-rc7-setup.exe7.17 MB14,914
0.78 RC6 exe Full InstallationWindowsThu, 01/24/2013 - 04:53WooGLE-0.78-rc6-setup.exe6.68 MB8,736
0.78 RC6 SourceAllThu, 01/24/2013 - 04:52WooGLE-0.78-rc6-src.7z976.17 KB2,188
0.78 RC3
exe Full Installation
WindowsSat, 09/25/2010 - 03:54WooGLE-0.78-rc3-setup.exe7.55 MB12,492
0.77 FinalDebian (.deb)Sat, 09/18/2010 - 01:23WooGLE-0.77.deb922.72 KB2,585
0.77 Final
exe Full Installation
WindowsThu, 09/09/2010 - 10:17WooGLE-0.77-final-setup.exe7.5 MB5,705
0.77 Final
All Platform Source
AllThu, 09/09/2010 - 10:15WooGLE-077-final-src.zip973.23 KB1,967
0.75 MacMac OS XMon, 07/19/2010 - 11:13woogle-075Mac-beta.zip16.29 MB2,146
0.78 RC5
exe Full Installation
WindowsSat, 10/13/2012 - 14:14WooGLE-v0.78-rc5-setup.exe6.68 MB2,625

There are 8 current downloads. Show 1 archived download.