World of Goo HD Easter Eggs for PC

World of Goo with Mighty BlimpAuthor: Mygod
Total downloads: 11,448
Latest version: 1.3
Release date: 08/04/2014 - 05:16
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with GooTool
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1.3 Updated

Changed level text for Route 99 according to the latest iOS version. Add a homemade up icon on the world view. Wink

1.2 Updated

Using the latest resources. Changed the island icon for island5. Added a particle effect and some unused resources. Feel free to use these resources. Wink

1.1 Updated

New Feature:
1. Moved Route 99 to island4.
2. Moved Mighty Blimp to island5 and show on MapWorldView.

Now you can see your blimp on the world. Cool

P.S. You'll find that after you click the blimp on MapWorldView you will go to island5. But I have to do that.


This includes three levels: (maybe some of them aren't levels)
1. Route 99 (I can't make a button with new feature, so I used 13 sign posts instead)
2. Mighty Blimp (just for fun)
3. Super Fuse Challenge Time iOS (you can find Super Meat Boy in it and this level is easier to get an OCD)
I tried my best to let the level be same.

Enjoy it Smile

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There are 10 screenshots.

World of Goo with Mighty Blimp
Mighty Blimp on island5
Mighty Blimp (1)
Mighty Blimp (2)
Route 99 (1)
Route 99 (2)
Route 99 (3)
Route 99 on island4
Super Fuse Challenge Time (iOS)
Super Fuse Challenge Time (iOS Easter Egg)
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.3AllMon, 08/04/2014 - 05:16com.mygod.ioseastereggs.goomod4.41 MB7,115
1.2AllSun, 08/03/2014 - 21:40com.mygod.ioseastereggs.goomod4.39 MB907
1.1AllThu, 08/04/2011 - 18:55com.mygod.ioseastereggs.goomod2.36 MB2,125
1.0AllSat, 07/30/2011 - 23:52com.mygod.ioseastereggs.goomod2.36 MB1,301

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