Old Red Carpet
Recreation of old version of red carpet. All images are free to use!
Hi guys, my name is SerafimGWS, i am creator of fun content for WoG.
Try our mod The Anomaly Lands: http://goofans.com/download/chapter/world-of-goo-anomaly-lands. My YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_GHTckQQV7pvSy-iYEgIEA. GooFans discord server: https://discord.gg/6BEecnD. My discord server eng.: https://discord.gg/CSJvHcr. My discord server rus.: https://discord.gg/h4JcAy5. GooFans server rus.: https://discord.gg/dqa6q8q. My discord Tag SerafimGWS
#7930. If you want i can teach you how to create a custom WoG graphics (not GIMP).
SerafimGWS hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.
That level based on theme of 2nd chapter of UKW.
All images is free to use. Thx to Toxic goo for predator
Created by Monochrome and SerafimGWS, Compiled By Jim2102.
2nd Chapter is crashing, so we have only 1 chapter.
If what we with other people creating other mod with chapter named same (Route 0 ) because that mod not get continue.
This is something like a sequel, but in other place. Thx to Gooey goo for gooballs!
This level are some same like Winter Tower level but i made thi level by Old version of 1 Island.
Our with Monochrome_95 version of lost level form Worlf of Goo. Thx to Fedor Ilyukhin#9442 for loopsound.
This idea some taken from terraria (little bit) and from UKW (Toxic mod, Trees (I draw my own version of this trees)).
Custom ISH level, with "new" style and new gooballs.
Update v.1.1
Splats are now green
OCD changed from balls,8 to moves,12
Particules are changed form mistRigh, ish_BigLeaves and ish_smallLeaves to heavyBrezeeLeft, ish_RainLeavesLeft x 2
Text, Cursor and other are green!
Update v.1.2
Now we have new animated camera (idl how it names correctly)
OCD changed from moves,12 > moves,10