
wogfan's picture

World of Goo

Towers by wogfan
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
testMon, 09/08/2014 - 03:520.00m143 min 10 sec
WEGFanFri, 07/25/2014 - 11:0225.85m1,2854 days 7 hours
WEGFanThu, 08/27/2015 - 10:4143.33m1,3342 weeks 4 days
WEGFanThu, 09/03/2015 - 06:396.11m1,3342 weeks 4 days
WEGFan (Android)Fri, 09/18/2015 - 04:266.72m1,2408 hours 3 min
WEGFan (New Levels)Sun, 07/20/2014 - 20:228.41m2,5963 weeks 1 day
WEGFan (New Levels)Thu, 09/03/2015 - 06:4412.65m1,2854 weeks 5 days
WogfanMon, 07/11/2011 - 08:5148.13m1,7091 week 5 days
WogfanSun, 07/20/2014 - 11:095.82m2,5963 weeks 1 day
Wogfan4EvrSun, 07/20/2014 - 11:0925.28m1,2854 days 6 hours
Addins by wogfan

Unlock All Levels

Unlock all levels in whole game.
Exclamation Mark This goomod must be installed after any other addin. It should be on the top of the goomod list.

How to make this goomod on the top of the list quickly (Windows only) :
1. Install the addin but disable it, click Save.
2. Close GooTool.
3. Press Windows + R, enter regedit and press Enter.
4. Locate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\goofans\gootool
5. Double-click addins , enter com.goofans.wogfan./Unlock/All/Levels, at the beginning of the value and press Enter.
6. Open GooTool.

Onion Skin - Bit and Pilot

Make Bits and Pilots looks cooler when they're falling. Also works with other ball styles which overrides res/balls/Bit/body.png or res/balls/Pilot/body.png . Smile

Mygod made a theme called Onion Skin - World of Goo Corporation and AP said he should at least make it for the Bit, but Mygod was too lazy to make one. So I made it. Tongue

Walking on the Wall

With the waters' help, beauties can walk on the wall and get to the 13-meter-high pipe.

Goal: 12 balls
OCD: 200 seconds

Make the water strand shorter will make it easier for beauties to climb.
There is a force field goes right at the top which can help you wake up the sleeping gooballs.

Profanity Text

Turns "what is it?" into "WTF?" in the ending of Chapter 3. Tongue

I found a file called profanity.xml in WoG apk, does anyone know what's that? An easter egg?

Advanced Game Menu

This menu can allow you to do following things:

  • retry, show OCD, quit level, resume
  • skip level even your skips run out!
    Exclamation Mark WARNING: Skipping a level with cutscenes may cause the game crash.
  • unlock whistle & WoG Corp. Useful for those cheaters. Tongue
  • quit game. Useless button. Tongue

Special thanks Mygod for his Introduction to Goomod !


I'm back! Laughing out loud I haven't played World of Goo for nearly 2 years!

In this level, you can't detach the Ivies! You have to think a way to make new gooballs and finish this level. Wink
OCD: finish in 5 minutes

Mysterious Fuel Factory

This is my first level pack, and now it's a NEW CHAPTER!(may become a new chapter)!
Mysterious Fuel Factory-one factory of the ENS Factories!.
That means this is a series about the ENS factories, and the factory(real name is the Ens Fuel Factory) is the one of all.


Gooballs In The Pipe

Gooballs in the pipe also can wake up gooballs and on fire!

Not so invisible Balls in WoGC

This goomod will make gooballs' body invisible when unattached but visible when attached.

Oh Darn It Sound Effect

This goomod will replace "Yamako!" to it's reversal "Oh Darn It".
Special thanks Albino Pokey for finding this interesting thing.


Member for
15 years 23 weeks


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