
momo1526's picture

World of Goo

Towers by momo1526
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
momoMon, 05/31/2010 - 13:0011.23m1,3593 days 1 hour
momoThu, 02/17/2011 - 13:124.45m6387 hours 14 min
Addins by momo1526

Try Again

Boom! Aaaaa! the sky is falling down!
The sky looks a lot like a big detaching block.
Please download I garantee this is fun

Happy Birthday

It's that little girls birthday! She's blowing the candles. Wow strong lungs...

Unstable Platforms

Surrounded by spikes, the Ivy gooballs have to ,at any cost, get to that pipe but their only support are three unstable platforms...


Going through walls is not possible...
Or is it?

Beauty's Long Bony Road

Wow how did that beauty ball get on those bone balls that are on those spikes?
If you just look up you might see a solution...

Invisible Box

A group of Ivy gooballs wanted to become mimes and along their way met other gooballs with the same dream!
Have fun! Very long level I'm thinking of adding some music.

Deadly Rise

The Beauty Ball just gave up her diet. Her overweight could cost her her life!
3 moves is possible but the OCD is 5. Special thanks to my big sis for playing the guitar!

Killer Carpet


After the Red Carpet Event most of the albino balls sacrificed themselves snif! :'(
but not all of them!
They found more of their kind in the red carpet system along with six goo products and once again they are going to make themselves useful!

Colourful Drained

This addin makes the drained gooballs from WOGc from change to six random colours!

World Sandbox

Build in all directions! Make ivy balls revolve around Earth, or maybe even actual structures!
Check out my video to see what it looks like!
The world is yours!

Version 1.5:
Infinite in all directions!
Infinite gooballs! (like before)
New music!

Check out my comedy channel!


Member for
16 years 13 weeks


Addin AuthorKleptomaniac