Sample Addins

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Merger Test

This is a sample goomod showing how to modify existing game levels. It is not a playable level; it is intended as an example for addin developers.

It has the following functions:

  • GoingUp - Changes unattached balls to UglyProduct, and turns on visual debug.
  • SmallDivide - Removes all black balls and adds a new structure of drip balls.
two-stroke engine

I created this level to point out that explosive Balls can do more than break geometrys. They are also able to push nonstatick geometrys which are not tagged break=1 or break=2.

GooPeg Template

With this addin you can make your own GooPeg Level. Be sure that you have the GooPeg addin installed before installing this one.

Fire and Earthquakes
Burning Fuses Rain!

Fire! Earthquakes! Burning fuses rain!
This level is my fifth level on goofans. It was made long time ago and I improved it and published it here.
Goal: 999 balls Tongue
OCD: 100 balls
Not hard. Have fun! Smile

P.S. Fuses has burn time. A whistler will help.

This level shows you A NEW LEVEL ENDING WAY and how to create EARTHQUAKES!!! Feel free to use it!

0.3 Updated

Add a new level ending way and move this stuff to sample category!

5 collected

The simplest structure building. Enjoy. Laughing out loud

Goal: 4 balls
OCD: none
Personal record: 5 balls

Developers: This is a sample for showing the usage of the autodisable bug. Thanks @copcap for discovering it.

Custom Pipe test

This is an example of a custom pipe, DEAD pipe.
Feel free to edit to reuse and to open the goomod, etc.

Underwater Level Demonstration
Underwater Level Sample

A demonstration on how to make an underwater level.

inwog's 1st sample addin
addin made by inwog

How to make a goomod level

ok so you just made a world of goo level. now it is time to make it into a goomod file.

first download and extract this

then open gootool and make sure you have the latest version. once opened you can open the advanced menu bar and chose decrypt and then choose decrypt .bin file (Pc/linux)

Rotating Planet
Building while rotating

Demonstration of how to make rotating, walkable geometry. This is a simple test level (playable, but not very interesting) in response to a forum question.

Note how the planet is not exactly positioned on the radialforcefield, to avoid an ODE crash when the geometry is exactly aligned with the force field.

Screenshot 2 also demonstrates that, contrary to popular belief, it is possible for strands to break given enough force. The chain is being stretched by friction of the Ivy balls on the planet, and is about to snap.

Moving jaw

This is a demonstration on how to create sinusoidal linear motion, using a piston to transfer rotational into linear motion.

This is a playable level, but to see how it works, edit the level and turn visualdebug on, and adjust the minx to -1000 and maxx to 1000. Then scroll left to see the piston.
