World of Goo HD Extras

Improved World View (1)Author: Mygod
Total downloads: 16,225
Latest version: 1.1
Release date: 08/05/2014 - 02:40
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Before this, I've made these addins whose resources are from World of Goo HD:

Now I decided to do a full comparison between the PC version and iOS HD version (thanks to git) and make some separate goomods for each change in this page. So prepare... for an extra long description! Tongue

Here's the almost full git diff output and the smaller version with changed file list only. (minus sign means the file was removed in World of Goo HD) I removed some useless git diff output including:

  • /ResourceManifest/Resources/Image/@atlasid. This attribute was not implemented in PC version and I don't know what it does. It seems it's set 0 for some resources in the global resources manifest and goo balls' resources manifest and set 1 for some resources in the levels' resources manifest.
  • Two directories are renamed: /res/balls/_generic => /res/balls/generic, /res/movie/_generic => /res/movie/generic.
  • XML reformatting in /res/balls/Beauty/resources.xml.bin, /res/balls/UndeletePill/resources.xml.bin. (added some spaces)
  • The ogg files are converted from AAC & AIFC, so it's meaningless to diff them.
  • The order of some resources are changed.

The following is the description for each goomod.


Improved World View, a new message from Sign Painter in Fisty's Bog, smaller retry button, the new pinch-to-zoom movie in iOS, the new island UI and a lot of slight improvements.
Hint: You need to skip a level with Game Menu to make the letterbox disappear in the islands.

What's new in 1.1: Support islands with no letterbox after skipping a level.

Game Menu

The game menu in iOS allows you to skip for infinity times because there is no check. Extremely useful for moderators who have to beat the extremely difficult levels in the submitted chapters if their skips run out. (this feature is first discovered by @wogfan using my unpublished goomod World of Goo iOS Theme) Enjoy.
WARNING: Skipping a level with cutscenes may cause the game crash.


Five levels were largely modified in iOS version, so I made a separate level for each:

  • Welcoming Unit has fewer GooProducts and more transparent water.
  • Super Fuse Challenge Time (included in World of Goo HD Easter Eggs for PC) now contains an easter egg and fewer goo balls which makes this level easier to achieve OCD in.
  • Product Launcher has fewer Fuses and ZBombMom spawn fewer ZBombs.
  • GooProducts will no longer trapped in the corner in Road Blocks which makes 28 balls easier to achieve.
  • Deliverance has fewer Bits and fewer Pixels, and UndeletePillFizz spawn fewer Spams.

The order of five levels in Chapter 1 are rearranged: Impale Sticky, Ivy Tower, Tumbler, Flying Machine and Fisty's Bog.


The markers in iOS version is colorful. However I didn't see any colorize codes in the resources diff output. Maybe the game used some kind of color extraction magic...
Anyway the images are manually processed for balloon, Bone, Fish, Fuse, Ivy, Pokey. The markers for Bit, DrainedIsh, Pilot, Pixel remain unchanged because the PC version seems to be using /level/@textcolor to colorize markers. Puzzled

What's new in 1.1: Now with colors!!!1!

Music & Sound

As I said, there's no way I can tell if the sound has been changed since it's using a lossy format so I'll just post all the music & sound here. Anybody can help? Tongue


Some performance improvements in iOS version. Just for fun. Not recommended to install for daily use. Wink


Supports 5 new languages: Chinese Simplified (NOT PERFECT, this one is better), Hungarian, Japanese, Korean and Polish.

There are 20 screenshots.

Improved World View (1)
Improved World View (2)
New message from Sign Painter in iOS
iOS Pinch to Zoom movie
Smaller retry button and less goo balls in Welcoming Unit (iOS)
New Game Menu and Fuses awake in Product Launcher (iOS)
No more bugs in top left in Road Blocks (iOS)!
5 largely modified levels in iOS version and new island UI
5 levels rearranged in iOS version and new island UI
iOS Marker for balloon
iOS Marker for Bone
iOS Marker for Fuse
iOS Marker for Fish
iOS Marker for Ivy
iOS Marker for Pokey
Chinese Localization (not perfect)
Hungarian Localization
Korean Localization
Japanese Localization
Polish Localization
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.1AllTue, 08/05/2014 - 02:40com.mygod.ios.Marker.goomod131.8 KB2,013
1.1AllMon, 08/04/2014 - 13:33com.mygod.ios.Design.goomod1.23 MB1,427
1.0AllMon, 08/04/2014 - 05:21com.mygod.ios.Translations.goomod12.19 MB2,314
1.0AllMon, 08/04/2014 - 05:16com.mygod.ios.Music.part2.goomod12.3 MB1,377
1.0AllMon, 08/04/2014 - 05:12com.mygod.ios.Sound.goomod11.78 MB1,383
1.0AllMon, 08/04/2014 - 05:11com.mygod.ios.Music.part1.goomod13.01 MB1,358
1.0AllMon, 08/04/2014 - 02:10com.mygod.ios.Levels.goomod64.18 KB1,407
1.0AllSun, 08/03/2014 - 19:19com.mygod.ios.GameMenu.goomod11.9 KB1,370
1.0AllMon, 08/04/2014 - 05:18com.mygod.Performance.goomod350.12 KB1,181
1.0AllMon, 08/04/2014 - 05:09com.mygod.ios.Design.goomod1.23 MB1,168
1.0AllSun, 08/03/2014 - 22:30com.mygod.ios.Marker.goomod52.11 KB1,227

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