mc.goofans can be updated!

7 replies [Last post]
Joined: 12/29/2008

OK, the latest bukkit build is here for 1.8.1 and I'm sure everyone wants to murder Endermen or farm giant mushrooms sooo... Lets do this thing! About the creating a new world problem, all unbuilt chunks of our current world should be removed, especially those who stretch too far for nothing.

Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves

Joined: 07/08/2011

Um, 1.9 Pre-Release just got "leaked" by Jeb. Notch also stated 1.9 is going to be officially released in a day or two. There's almost no point in hosting the server again if it's only going to be up for a day or two, as bukkit will take some time to make another build for 1.9..

Joined: 09/01/2009

Too late, both of you. is already updated. Wink

Joined: 11/04/2008

Already updated. I am planning to delete unused chunks (with some warning) when 1.9 is released, since that will change the terrain generator again. In the meantime, you can go exploring off-map.

Joined: 11/04/2008

When 1.9 comes out, I'll delete all chunks that haven't been built in by using Map Auto Trim. To make sure your chunks aren't deleted, put a torch in them.

Joined: 09/01/2009

In that case, exploring probably isn't such a great idea, as abandoned mine shafts will have torches... I think I found a couple already, sorry. Should be close to the "mom.1.8" warp, dunno if you can delete those manually. I didn't build anything there of value, so you can delete around there if you want.

Joined: 11/04/2008

Yeah I am sure it's going to require some manual tweaking anyway.

Joined: 09/01/2009

Oh, ok. Let me know on IRC when you're working on figuring it out, then, and I'll do my best to help out. Smile