List of active moderators
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I decided to make a list of active moderators.
Still active:
Mr.Croft-genius of this site
Spazturtle-Addin master
The Wise Soultaker
XDboy-the one who managed to put 10 tons of awesomess in 1 level
Goo-ru Pavke-the most active moderator
New moderator!thB!
Inactive moderators:
Dead/Alive Bioran23
Goo designer Grant
Jamerz the level god
Avatar-less 30jon
Desingner of the Christmas level-xanax
Not fluffy FluffyWolf2
Magiccaly disapeared MagicalT
"Man,you've got to be DA BEST moderator to get in here!"-me while I was writing this.
Mr.Croft,for gootool and this site!
Pavke,for being the most loyal moderator!
thB,he has been awesome before he became a moderator!
Soultaker,he's almost ingenious as Mr.Croft!
That's it!No more awesome moderators,all others check goofans,but don't change anything.
Please comment
Moderators are welcome to edit or delete those nicknames
interesting, i like it! XDBoy and Grant are inactive,
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
Glad you like it!Active's are those who have been online in past week!I will mention that in the list and it will be updated every time i go to goofans.
Crazeh man!
Damnit, I was just in the process of adding myself.
my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment
Wow!The thing the moderators actually like!I'm a GENIUS!MWUAHAHAHA!No seriously,LET'S CELEBRATE!Kidding!
Crazeh man!
*thinking to himself: why aren't I a moderator?*
My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot
The team list is now ordered by last activity... Makes for an interesting game of tetris
Thanks for ordering,interesting that i did'nt fougth of that...Glad you like it!
Crazeh man!
I just noticed it sais: is brought to you by....
It not fair you put yourself on third place, cause you ARE the owner of goofans!
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
It's his choice,he put the online in front.
Crazeh man!
Now Mr. Croft is in 4th place! Hee, hee, this is fun...
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
But now I'm first. Tee hee. Yes, it's ordered by last activity on the site. And I got rid of the silly tetris game cos it's was annoying, so it's 4 per row now
Wow I just love this website! You are all so fun and entertaining!
@GooMaster2000: The fact is that almost everybody wants to be a moderator. If it were up to me, it would be in order of helpfulness, site activity, and for being friendly.
site activity: DEFINATLY
helpfullness: I'm trying to get more involved
friendlyness: almost
My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot
Enchanter49, I see you are worried about spammers. Well, don't be. I check goofans every few hours, they can wait that long to be removed
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
For now, we got the spammers under control pretty well, I think.
my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment
Actually, before I was just trying to bring that one person who was spamming about essays under your attention. What he was saying made almost no sense considering World of Goo.
Spammers found my e-mail I get fakes that says that I won several milion pounds.Here's a hilariuos one:
"Yahoo/Hotmail lottery"
I use Gmail! Spammers are stupid!
Crazeh man!
lol, I think spammers are actually just one e-mail that wants to crawl it's way to other computers...
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Wow! I got the same email Joris!
i got an email saying
Super Drugs
*link deleted*
Edit: Please do not spread spam links - thB
My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot
thB, i didn't
my dad installed software that blocks spam and youtube*
*which i loved
My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot
Yes, you did.
You copy/pasted the whole message including the link.
my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment
It sucks you got no Youtube.
Why don't you watch on a different cpu?
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Sometimes I hate Youtube,I mostly watch flash vids uploaded to Youtube,which I could watch on Newgrouds or any other website with a nice,smooth preloader.Youtube player preloader sometimes loads more than it shows.
Crazeh man!
You can still view all youtube videos no matter what on google video. You will be able to see a button that says, "Only show Youtube Results". If you can't see some of the results you would like to see, you can turn safesearch off.
thB: oh i thought you said READ not spread
i need to read more closely
Enchanter: i figured out it blocks ALL Open Image / Media Search web sites
My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot
Oh, I didn't know's very interesting to learn about...thanks.
yr welcome
My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot
Hey, I can't change the fact that there are currently hardly any topics that I can or want to comment about.
- I'm not involved in WoG 2 (and wouldn't even remotely have the time for it)
- there are hardly any new levels to play and master (and I'm just not into ball mod stuff and the like)
- I don't see the need for desktop applications which help to do stuff that is best done manually (no offense)
- and I don't really like to to take part in off-topic discussions (and I have the general feeling that it's becoming more off-topic around here)
I am here and as long as there is something interesting or requiring my attention, I'll also actively participate in it.
my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment
If that's the case, then what do you like to do then?
If you want new levels, then why don't you make your own? (or give suggestions)
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops