android savefile location
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Fri, 12/02/2011 - 02:06
Hey, I bought WoG just recently and I'm excited to play it while on the tram now! One thing I'd like to is to transfer my savefile from my desktop computer to my android phone, but I can't find pers2.dat anywhere on my android phone (which is supposed to be the savefile). Where can I find the savefiles on android? If anything I'd like to know how to back them up since I do a lot of re-flashing on my phone.
Well, the Android version of WoG is fairly new, and as such I don't think there's an awful lot known about any technicals such as
, or at least on this site. I don't think anybody here even has WoG on an Android.Even if we did know the location of the save file, I'm not sure if you'd be able to transfer it from your PC.
The best I can suggest is looking here at the information about the iPhone version. It might give some clues to where pers2.dat is hiding.
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The mobile versions of World of Goo use "properties" rather than a file to save data. Look up where the World of Goo app properties would be, then find them. Get the data and do anything to make it look like the PC game's save format, then encrypt it and replace the file on the PC.
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Other way around, Red.
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Oh right.
Check out the format of the file on the Android, decrypt the PC file, make it look like the Android's, replace the Android's. Either that or take the appropriate block of text from the PC's save file and replace that same block of text in the Android's.
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Hi all, thanks for the comments. I think I managed to find the folder after all, my earlier mistake was looking after it only in the internal and external SD cards. The files seems to be into the phone internal storage:
Since you said there was a lack of information of how the android version behaves, I supply here a full file list of that folder gained with ls -R:
note that pers2.dat is under ./files! I haven't looked into it yet or tried to replace it with my desktop version. Once i have done that, I'll post the results.
Just wanted to report back, copying pers2.dat from my linux desktop to android went without a hitch, no decryption or any other hassle was required. I'll try to post a mini step-by-step tutorial on how to do this.
Hm. It looks like there are a bunch of resource imnages and stuff.
But if there is a real pers2.dat, it can probably be transferred onto your computer! Just copy it to %APPDATA%\2D Boy\World of Goo.
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Actually, I'm running linux and I was intrested into transferring it from my linux box to my android phone, which has been successfully done
Here's a short guide on how I did the transfer:
1. First of all, find your savefile on your computer. Detailed instructions on where you can find your savefile are in this link: [](
2. Once you've found your savefile (which is named pers2.dat), copy it anywhere to your android phone.
3. Make a backup of your existing savefile just in case things goes haywire, its located on the phone at this folder:
Though the phones console, I did the backup through these commands
cd /datadata/com.twodboy.worldofgoofull/files/
mv pers2.dat pers2.dat.backup
4. Copy your desktop savegame into /datadata/com.twodboy.worldofgoofull/files/ and make sure its named pers2.dat (mind the lowercase).
I did a transfer from my linux native world of goo savegame into the phone and it worked fine, no need to change permissions, Ipad decryption or anything. My phone is rooted and I did this whole thing through webkeys web interface - however I doubt that rooting is required in order to do this. This is one way of doing it and I'm sure you will find an easier way.
I'm writing this because I'm notoriously lazy and don't want to the same work twice through the game. Since there isn't much documentation about the android port, I decided to share it here.
Yep! It works with any version of the savefile, if the encryption is right (it needs to be 2DBoyAES). Convert if you're on a mac.
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I'm running Windows and Android Debug Bridge and how can I get the profile?
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I find that playing World of Goo with
adb logcat
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What would that do?
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Output fps, IO Error, etc.
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I'm running Windows and Android Debug Bridge and how can I get the profile?
I'm running Cyanogenmod7 which MIGHT cause my folder structure to be different. In order to find your world of goo folder on the phone, start up the console and cd into the phones root folder. once there, you can initiate a search with:
find . -name "*twodboy*"
Let me know if you sort it out!
was found.Under this directory, there's only one file called
.Search result of
was nothing.Should I root?
| Things I made | And even more |
was found.Under this directory, there's only one file called
.Search result of
was nothing.Should I root?
notice your folder ends with a -2? i don't know if that is the correct folder where your savefile is stored. Since you already searched for pers2.dat, I don't know how you should proceed....
It's not a gurantee that rooting will find this file for you, rooting has many benefits but will void your warranty. Its your decision in the end.
Are you sure the file name is
but not other something?| Things I made | And even more |
Absolutely positively undoubtfully sure.
Ok, I noticed my trick wasn't without problems, the game crashed on me yesterday by because the permissions on pers2.dat was incorrect. Also I learned that root permissions is required in order to write into the folder /datadata. So yes, in order to make this trick work you need to have a rooted phone. Also you need to make sure that the new pers2.dat has the same permissions as the old pers2.dat (which is rw-rw-rw, done by "chmod 666 Unless you do that you risk not having your progress saved. I still get crashes, but my progress is saved and I think these crashes has to do with ownership of the file. I will update as I learn more!
The savegame ownership is changed, but the crashyness remains (with saved progress). I'm out of ideas, I'll email 2d boy support about this and post updated to the thread.