Members and users

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Joined: 04/17/2011

I made this forum at school! The deal is that there are thousands of people on goofans so it makes too much members! There are people we don't even know and they don't want to know us (Probably). So I though that people should be separated:

Members - being onto goofans for two months and haven't left, known by many other members.

Users - just downloading the addins and not contacting with other people.

So what do you thing about the separating? If you think it's good idea then tell davidc so he can change and it wont be like

Being amember for ././.

But user. Just like it changes when you get into a member.

Joined: 08/06/2010

We don't really need the site to make that distinction for us. Members come, go, and return. Some people never really show up except to download addins.

For example, if TheGooMasters or Taco showed up, I would consider them to still be a member because they were active when they joined.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 12/23/2010

This makes sense, but isn't very practical. I mean, I think it's too much work for David for too little effect.

To be honest, I don't see the point. You're system says that a "user" is someone who doesn't use the forum or hasn't made their own addins. This has no effect on differentiation, since we don't notice people who haven't posted anyway or made addins anyway.
If you can give some good, practical reasons for such a system, I might change my mind, but for now I find this idea pretty useless. No offence, of course, that's just what I think.

(By the way, you say that a "user" is a person who is "just downloading the addins and not contacting with other people." You don't need to sign up to download addins, so it's not very likely that lots of these will appear.)