Merging with custom files?
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Sun, 09/26/2010 - 17:42
Is it possible to merge with a custom XML from another mod, for example, adding a particle effect to the Sandbox_ Goo Balls? And if it's possible, what would happen if the other mod changed?
Yes it is possible.... but ....
What would happen if the other mod changed?
Unpredictable.. depends on the mod, the merge and the changes... might still work, might "go wierd", could crash the game.
Also, what happens if the merge mod is installed, but the original is not...?
It's a bit like that Ball Library... it's all fine if YOU control everything..
Otherwise it seems a bit "dodgy" to me...
The idea would be custom (sandbox) balls in the nightmod. I was wondering if it would just ignore it, like the nonexistent SceneLayers in MapWorldView if you have Dynamic MM.
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The biggest problem will be...
If you make a merge file (XSL) for a level or a ball or whatever, and the source / original XML file doesn't exist, GooTool comes up with an error and stops.
I guess the question is...
Do you really need to do merge's? Couldn't you just override the custom ball's graphics files. That would be fine, even if the custom ball didn't exist.
One more problem...I've been working on my Night Sky mod, which has some problem that's crashing the game. The thing is, it's a HUGE file, so I can't upload it to Goofans. It's merging with resources, fx, and most of the (original) balls, as well as replacing almost every image in the game. Which merge do you think is most likely to be the problem?
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Oh.. OK.. let me just consult my crystal ball... Yeah the problem is with....

You want someone to tell you which file the problem is in, or is likely to be in, without seeing them? I'm afraid even my awesome psychic talents aren't up to that task.
i) If it's too big for goofans upload it somewhere else.
ii) Ask yourself... when does it crash?
If it always crashes, on every level, or at the start... then the chances are it's a problem with one of the global file merges, or something in MapWorldView.
If it only crashes on some levels.. do those levels have anything in common?
Types of Ball they use, images, effects .... might give you a clue to where the problem is.
iii) Chinese Boxes are your friend.
If you think the problem might be with one of the merges... prove it.
Temporarily remove them all from the goomod .. does it crash now?
If so.. problem is NOT with the merges
If it doesn't crash.. add half of them back in..
|-> If it crashes now.. the problem is in one of the ones you added. Take half of back them out.
|If it doesn't crash.. add the other half in instead.
|-< Repeat a few times until you have found the file/files that are causing the trouble.
I'm trying that now. The "it's too big for Goofans" was added later, after I tried for about 3 hours
I'm wondering if a faster Internet connection could help the upload, or if it's the server itself. I could bring my flash drive to the library and try that.
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Pretty sure the goomod size limit is 20Mb... are you under that?
I don't remember what happens if you try to upload something bigger..
it might give an error / warning on completion.. or it might just ignore you.
54.5 MB
Could you upload Goovie? Even just a beta? Please? I'll give you donuts?
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(remember AP, a big goomod could more than definantly be a bother to download, so if you can please remove any files that are not used in the goomod, that would be grand.)
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
No unused files...It just changes almost every image in the game.
You must not like donuts, though, because you changed your sig!
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Well I'd stop trying to upload it here then....
Why's it so big?
EVERY SINGLE png image in the original is a total of 32Mb... so where's the other 22 coming from?
Maybe the merges. It doesn't change balls or movies, so it wouldn't be that.
How far along is Goovie? You know, I'd stop pestering you if you released a BETA...
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I know! It also changes the musics to Cobalt Blue Sphere, Best of Times, You Can't Stop Progress, and Far Lands!
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You know... I'd release a beta if you'd stop pestering!
It's currently v0.03 Alpha (maybe beta) .... but really not ready for "people" yet...
Hence the big red IMPORTANT notice on the main page.
It's in "Limited" Testing at the moment, since only about one other person has tried to use it so far....
And the only reason anyone knows about it, is because I needed to post some info / instructions / etc for the folk testing it.
Be patient... it'll be out before you know it...
And if you can't be patient... at least be quiet!
I've just been waiting for something like this since I started Another Planet. It turns out it's even better...I'd just hoped for xml->binltl encrypt!
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NightSky is now up! Mods only: Click Here. Can you find the problem?
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Took all of 10seconds with WooBLE....
Try loading the common ball, then look at the depends tab... should give you a clue..
There's 13 problems just like that..
It crashed on startup too. Is that a global problem or is it just the Drained?
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Anyway...sorry for the delay... now I've got it working I was having a play.
For me, with just NightSky installed, WooGLE and WooBLE both load fine.
Loading pretty much any of the levels, or any of the balls shows the problem straight away in the depends tab.... Missing Resources.
Actually they aren't "missing"... but you've got 13... yes count them 13 .. spelling mistakes in fx.xml.xsl
You've got SPARLE instead of SPARKLE all over the place.
A quick Search and Replace in Notepad and it's all fine!
I fixed it. I just copied from XDBoy's xdb_IvyTrail effect, changed a few, then copied and pasted and edited the rest. That's how the mistake got duplicated so much
Since the file was so big, I'll make like 5 different mods (sparkle, music, images, loops...) and you can download them all. New version, same demo about to be uploaded.
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Before you go ahead and split it up... I've been looking at how you might save space...
The big thing is the music... you could save 5.4Mb right now, by adding 3 merge files instead.
Take a look at this
It shows that kaptainpolka is only used in 3 levels, so rather than overriding it, and including a 2nd copy of the music file in the goomod...
You could build a quick merge file for each of the levels that uses kaptinpolka, and swap the resource path so it uses to temp_Carnival instead.
There's another ~1Mb to be saved in the same way with the Loop sounds.
Rather than including 4 copies of the same 300kb music file... include it just once, and do some more merges to swap the loop sounds in some more levels.
Not sure how much you need to save.. but should get you closer to being able to do it as a single mod.
I just split it up before I read that comment!
Anyway, this gives the users more control. I'll see about the merges though.
It's now up! Follow that last link!
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