How to use World of Goo Editor (Tutorial)
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I seem to notice that most people have problems with WoG Editor. It might be the fact that there isn't a decent tutorial around here! The one on source forge wiki doesn't explain it well enough. Even I had to learn how to use it by experimenting with it! I hope this guide will shine a little light on the subject.
--Getting Started
Start by opening WoG Editor. If you don't have it, then you can download it under "Utilities" on this website. Once opened, you should see an instance of command prompt. Leave it open. After a few seconds, the main window will open up. You must keep both open though. Otherwise, the main window will close. Now that the program is running, we can begin making our level!
--Making a level
Start your first level by clicking the third button from the left on the top of the interface. It should have the picture of a square and a star on it. Once clicked, it should prompt you to name your level. Call it "GooNation" and press OK. You should now see a mini window inside of WoG Editor. You can maximize this by clicking the square on the top-right corner of the mini window. If you still can't see all of it, scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out until you find a comfortable resolution. You should now be looking at a rectangle with a missing side and an orange line in the middle. This will be the basis for our level. The lines on the sides represent the edges of the level. The orange line represents gravity. The top line represents the floor of the level. By default, the sides will detach a structure when touched. This can be changed. If you look to your right, you will see a sidebar. The tabs in the middle should say, "Scene, Level, & Resource." Click on "Scene". You should now see five objects that read, "scene, linearforcefield, line right, line left, & line ground." Click on "line right". You should now see the properties panel come to life. This is located underneath the tabs for scene, level, and resource. The lowest line in the properties panel should say "tag detaching". Double click on the work "detaching". It should now be editable. Backspace the work until nothing is on the line and press enter. It should now say just "tag" with nothing next to it. Now go back to the Scene tab and do the exact same thing for the "line left". Congratulations, you have finished the basis for your level!
--Adding sounds and images
What kind of a level doesn't have music? We will now add some. To start, go to the "Resource" tab. To add a soundtrack to the level, we have to save it as a resource. For this level, we'll just use a track from World of Goo. Right-click on the word "Resources" at the top of the pane. It should also have an arrow next to it. When right-clicked, it should show a very long context menu. Click on "Add child Sound". A new sound should appear on the pane! It will have a big red "X" next to it but no worries! You just have to fill in some information before it can be playable. If you click on the new sound, it should appear in the properties as editable. Double click on the space next to the word "path". You should now be able to type some text in. In the space provided, type "res/music/temp_CarnivalLoop" and press enter. Now we should also give it a decent name. Right above the "path" function in the properties pane, you should see "id sound1". Double click on "sound1" and change the text to "bg" and press enter. We now have our background music available to us! We'll go into adding it to the level in a little while. Right now, we have to change that dull default background for the level! To do this, we will simply need an image to use. Right-click on the word "Resources" again and click on "Add child Image". Click on it when it appears and go to the properties pane to edit some values! Change the id from "image1" to "bg". Now type in the path as "res/levels/BeautySchool/bg". You now have the basic resources needed for the level! Let's add more. Add another child image and change the id to "platform". Type the path in as "res/levels/BeautySchool/main_03". Congratulations! We have enough resources for the level! Now to start creating it.
--Creating the Scenery
Go to the "Scene" tab and right-click on "scene" at the top of the pane. Click on "Add child SceneLayer" when it appears in the context menu. This will be the background. On the properties for your new scenelayer, type in the id as "bg". Then, for the value on "image", write "bg" also. It should now have appeared in the center of the level view. It obviously doesn't fill the level so on the properties pane, write on the value of "scale" as "2,2". It should now have doubled in size. Change the value of "center" in the properties from "0,0" to "0,500". This is just to center the background in the level. We also have to make sure that it's behind everything else so change the value of depth from "0" to "-60". You now have your background! Now we can add some platforms for gooballs to walk (move, squirm, IDK) on. Add another SceneLayer to the scene. Make the id "platform1" and the image "platform". It should now appear in the bottom of the level. Change the value of "center" from "0,0" to "400,250". It should have moved to the right side of the level. Let's add one more platform just to make the level interesting! Add another Scenelayer with the value of "id" set to "platform2". Change the value of "image" to "platform" and change the "center" value from "0,0" to "0,250". There should now be two platforms side by side. Congratulations! You have created the scenery for your level! Now it's time to make some solid objects.
--Making things solid
In WoG Editor, you have to make something solid with shapes and lines rather than just placing the item and putting gooballs on it. To do this, we can simply add items to the Scene tab. Right-click on "scene" and click on "Add child rectangle" when the context menu appears. You can leave the id as "geometry1". It won't matter. Change the value of "rotation" so that it's "6.25". Change the value of "center" from "0,0" to "2,470". Now change the value of "size" from "100,100" to "245,30". There should now be a blue rectangle on top of one of your platforms. Change the value of "material" so that it reads "rock". This is so that it is a solid object to the gooballs. Now that you know how to create solid platforms, create the following as instructed:
geometry2 -- center = "115,184" -- rotation = "0" -- size = "20,600" -- material = "rock" geometry3 -- center = "42,347" -- rotation = "33" -- size = "10,250" -- material = "rock" geometry4 -- center = "59,73" -- rotation = "-24" -- size = "10,300" -- material = "rock" geometry5 -- center = "400,470" -- rotation = "6.25" -- size = "245,30" -- material = "rock" geometry6 -- center = "515,184" -- rotation = "0" -- size = "20,600" -- material = "rock" geometry7 -- center = "442,347" -- rotation = "33" -- size = "10,250" -- material = "rock" geometry8 -- center = "459,73" -- rotation = "-24" -- size = "10,300" -- material = "rock"
When finished with these, you should see a series of blue rectangles overlapping the platforms. Congratulations! They are now solid! We are now going to add various objects to the level.
--Adding Gooballs and Strands
Now that we are done with the scenery, we can move onto adding gooballs. Go to the "level" tab in the pane. You should see two pink items and two blue items. Right-click on the highest object named "level" and, on the context menu that appears, click "Add child BallInstance". It should appear as "goo1". We will not need to change the name of it, so leave the id as is. Hmm...Let's make this a level with Albino gooballs. To do this, change the value of "type" in the "goo1" properties pane to "common_albino". For the value of "pos", replace "0,0" with "-30,500". The gooball should now be on top of the platform. It's okay if it's floating a little bit. The fact that the level has gravity allows the gooball to fall to the ground! Create more gooballs using the same method through the following information:
goo2 -- type = "common_albino" -- pos = "70,510" goo3 -- type = "common_albino" -- pos = "10,580"
This is going to be the starting triangle, so place 15 gooballs over it so that they will fall onto the structure upon the starting of the level. You can use the Move Element Tool (Press "T" on the keyboard) to move an object quickly and easily. The last gooball you should have is "goo18". If not, then try deleting or adding a gooball. You need exactly 18 gooballs to make the level work as planned. Now we need to have a structure for the gooballs to move onto. Right-click "level" again and this time click on "Add child Strand". You should already know how to edit the properties of an item, so I won't go into it. Make 3 of them and place the properties as shown:
1st Strand -- gb1 = "goo1" -- gb2 = "goo2" 2nd Strand -- gb1 = "goo2" -- gb2 = "goo3" 3rd Strand -- gb1 = "goo3" -- gb2 = "goo1"
You should now have your starting triangle. Of course we need music in the level, so let's add some! Right-click on "level" again and click on "Add child loopsound". The value for "id" is "bg". That's basically it. Now we can add the pipe!
--Adding the pipe/exit
Now onto the pipe. Right-click on "level" and click on "Add child Pipe". The pipe object should appear. Let's make sure it's behind other objects. Change the value of "depth" from "0" to "-20". Also, change the value of "type" to "BLACK". Now go back to the higher pane and right-click on "pipe pipe1" this time. Click "Add child Vertex". You should now have an indent within pipe1 that says "Vertex". Change the value of "pos" to "250,-200"Create 3 more vertexes this way by using the following values:
2nd Vertex -- pos = "250,650" 3rd Vertex -- pos = "400,650" 4th Vertex -- pos = "400,600"
After this, you should have a pipe in your level leading towards a platform. We need to make this the level exit. Go to the top of the list of objects in the "Level" tab and click on "levelexit theExit". It should be the fourth item from the top. In the properties of "theExit", change the value of "pos" from "0,0" to "400,600". Keep everything else the same. Now we need to change the amount of gooballs needed for the finishing of the level. Click on "level" at the top of the list and go into the properties pane. Change the value of "ballsrequired" from "1" to "8". Now we're finished with the level!
I hope you learned from this tutorial. If you have any questions, please post them here. After you finish, you can test the level by clicking the play button on the top. This didn't take me long. Only about say a few hours...not that long
If you have received brain trauma from reading this very long tutorial, then please watch this entertaining Christmas video.
It took me all night, but I figured out why it doesn't work!
1: when editing rectangles, You have to give them a mass (due to the "dmasscheck" error) and a static. Give them a mass of 100 and Set static to "true". Other wise, You will get errors, or get "Goos that know the force" (they float in midair like a fish...)
2: You should probably make the Albinos Ivys instead. (So the level is a little easier) And make one of them a balloon (in case your not positive)
3: Make another rectangle and make the size "1020,100". Put it at the bottom of the level and type "detaching" in the tag menu, and "true" in the contacts menu.
4: Save and Run the level. It should work out to where you put everything, and if a structure falls in a hole, it will detach.
5: If you want to add a picture, be my guest, but when I was adding a picture:
1: The rectangle disappeared, so I couldn't move it anymore.
2: I quit out of WoG Editor, and my level won't open up.
3: The info was still there, so I can edit it, but I can't play it!
So I don't recommend adding a picture in the bottom rectangle. Just play It
Note: Can you make it into a mod for me? I don't know how and even if I did know,
I won't be able to cause I think I killed mine. Help me figure it out! PLEASE!!!
(cause I want to edit it to see if I can make it better in any way.)
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
To add a picture to a rectangle,create a scenelayer,set the image and place it on the rectangle,it's impossible to directly add a picture to a rectangle or any other geometry.
Crazeh man!
Well then why do rectangles have an Image section?
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
While I was using WoG editor, I learned some other stuff too:
*You can pick up the undelete pill by simply adding strands to it.As well if you drag the undelete pill some place where balls are killed, It shows the message that says "WARNING" and stuff, but if you press "ok" or "yes" Then It instantly crashes.
*If you use blocks (such as rectheads) to remove strands attached to anchors, then you will have an almost positive chance of snaping.
*For some reason, You can't Edit levels from WoG. You can Only clone them. But if you Edit the Islands, It stays that way.
*Beauty Balls catch fire, but the game doesn't animate it.
*Fish are a little Big, so when you pick up fish and put them in between other balls, I causes a HUGE reaction thus sending balls every where. (sometimes...)
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Thanks for your critique. I was waiting a while to see if anybody had actually read this.
WoG editor is only 0.5,when Gootool had earlier versions,it had a refresh button that didn't work.The same with rectagle image.
Crazeh man!
nitrozark said that he wasn't going to work on wogedit anymore...
We'll have to use this version until anything else can happen...I suppose.
P.S. Turns out I can't edit it, so It's kinda weird...
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
P.S. Turns out I can't edit it, so It's kinda weird...
If you are running Windows Vista/7 then the folder will be hidden. Go to C:/Program Data/2Dboy/World of Goo/res/levels/*yurlevelwillbehere
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
OH XP!!!!!!!!!!!!
...try re-installing wogedit...
Okey-Dokey, don't leave the site. (in case it doesn't work and I need your help)
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Okay, (sorry it was so long, I was told to do a lot of stuff, got distracted by Tower of goo, remembered this and then I thought "HOLY $#!% I FORGOT TO DO THAT") so I re-installed WoG Edit, and all of the new level folders appeared in res, but everything EXCEPT the Goonation problem was fixed. (how strange...)
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
If anything needs to be added to the tutorial...let me know.
PS I'm using my wii to write this.
Yea i have 1 question.
When i made my own level using your tutorial and some common sense i made a decent level.
But i made mine taller than yours was but the same width.
It had 4 cliffs going up. When you got to near the top of the third cliff, it would no longer pan upwards. I tried to build a goo higher but i couldn't.
Can i have some help here?
when i test my level, it crashes
is this a known bug, or am i stupid and didn't follow the tutorial correctly?
My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot
*Did you read everything correctly?
*Did you read my post about It?
*Did you change anything?
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Try changing everything to "Static = True". That seems to work for some people.
I discovered something awesome!
If you use a goomod that changes files (i.e. King beauty balls), and save it in gootool, then in the res section of world of goo, It's all changed! Thus in WoG Editor, those addins appear there!
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
If you use a goomod that changes files (i.e. King beauty balls), and save it in gootool, then in the res section of world of goo, It's all changed! Thus in WoG Editor, those addins appear there!
Did you JUST find that out!?
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
My profile of awesomeness | Me on skype: pokelucas2000 | My drop | Me on...umm....I forgot
Well...IDK I learned about that almost immediately after getting gootool.
Yeah, how else would the whole thing work?
my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment
I know right!?
Great tutorial! I only have one problem, I can edit levels but I can´t play them.
I folowed every step in your tutorial, but it is still not showing up in WoG. (Or do I just suck in searching?)
Can anyone help me? (Oh, and sorry for my bad English, I´m dutch. )
Want a dutch translation for your level, mod or sign painter? I would be happy to translate. So ask/pm me!
you should make a goomod file with your level and add as normal addin.
it should work
He means that it won't play in wogedit.
this tip helped a LOT of people: "Make everything static in the properties pane"
Thanks for your tip but it still won´t appear. (I changed every static to ´true´.)
Want a dutch translation for your level, mod or sign painter? I would be happy to translate. So ask/pm me!
GooEdit still has a LOT of problems...
I just wonder how hard it would be to make a VB program for it like GooMaker! It's possible...indeed, it will probably be easier to use! What do you all think?