World of Goo: Geometry Hyperspace
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Mon, 09/03/2012 - 06:50
Since I just cancelled The Goo Worlds 2 a month ago, I'm going to replace this project with WoG: Geometry Hyperspace. The level design would be easy to describe in sorts of black and white platforms (red for danger or , purple for breakable, yellow for ballbuster, and blue for dynamic)
The balls would have their design by an outlined color and black.
The levels for this addin were being chosen by these addin groups, with 10 new levels being added:
Challenge Levels
Metal World of Goo
The Goo Worlds
Mystify Collision World
Which of the levels of these addins would appear on GH?
Although in my first post, I said black and white graphics. Now, I just make into a space themed with the platforms were "constellation like" in any color.
I gathered these levels from my singles, Challenge Levels, Metal World of Goo, The Goo Worlds, and Mystify Collision World.
1. Bridge Building Across The Cliff
2. Deep Water Calamity (Water Level)
3. Fire Bridge
4. Bursted Flames of Fury (Fire Level)
5. Virtual Reality (Wind Level)
6. Power Overwhelming (Light Level)
7. Hazardous Bridge Building (Earth Level)
8. Screamers and Deaths (Darkness Level)
1. Basic Period
2. Fly The Goos to the Sky
3. Sticky on Fire
4. Albino Bridge Building
5. Beauty Ball Buster
6. Destruction of a Dragon, Flames of Fury
7. Entering a Red Vine
1. Ideal Lands
2. Blue Hills
3. Ridge Cave
4. Master of Launching
5. Fire Breathers vs. Drago's Minions
6. Internet Technology
7. Burning Dragon
8. Boosted Turmoils
1. Flames of Fury
2. Looking Inside the Pyramid
3. Desert Oasis
4. Great Flames of Hell
5. Spinning Bar Confusion
6. The Night Sky
7. Tower Building Problems
8. Helios' Chaotic Chamber
1. Manuverer
2. Express Your Wheel
3. Journey to the Purple Ocean
4. The Night The Sun Came Up
5. Green Shield
6. Love For The Blocks
7. Moving Mountains
8. Stairway To The Top
There are some of the levels would be edited into a different level layout. I gathered 40 levels out of these addin groups. I'll take the first screenshot of the first level. Also custom music and sounds will occupy this massive addin.
There'll be several screenshots of the level pack. Also some of the levels were a bit changed due to the fact of the very first layout. Since I told myself to make another set of 50 levels (after Mystify Collision World). 10 Original Levels would execute in the level pack.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Triple post - you must know that if you press button 'edit' you can write info in your first post.
Merged. However it was only a double-post, the thread was created a while ago.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
It's 60% finished of the levels, as I made. Geometry Hyperspace will be released on November or December in case I didn't finish it on time. I made 30 levels so far in this day, just 20 more so this addin will be published in the public.
When the addin is done, I'll post some screenshots on this forum.
Moderators, this addin would be easy to test on, except on spectrum levels, which it will cosume your time finishing the level.
Some minor changes to the levels from the original levels would be expected on Geometry Hyperspace. Feel free to ask any questions about Geometry Hyperspace, and I'll reply to you on time, or a day, or a week.
I just made 10 groups from Geometry Hyperspace, and each of them represent how difficult were the levels being chosen in the group. The spectrum levels (a.k.a the last levels of every group) were supposed to be hard to challenge yourself to finish the level to gain the ultimate OCD flag. The following on the list were the names of the groups and their meanings:
PIRATONA - a spanish word.
FABIA - car name.
HELIX - one of the topics about DNAs.
BRONTES - a name of a monster in Bakugan.
ZENITH - watch brand.
GRYPTON - gadget from the name "Grypton Tripod".
DOPHOMOS - a combination of Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos.
VAHMARAS - renamed of a country "Bahamas"
TREAGOR - a name of a barbecue grill brand renamed from the word "Traeger"
MIPEX - an acronym meaning "Migrant Integration Policy Index"
I'll tell you about the spectrum levels later on, even their screenshots. SPOILER ALERT!
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Sounds interesting!
About your names, not all of them might be trademarked:
BRONTES sounds similar to the Ancient Greek BRONTOS, meaning "thunder". ZENITH can also mean "apex", or the highest point that something can get to (usually referring to position in the sky, for constellations and such). And HELIX is Latin, it just means a spiral.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
I'm almost done with the addin, just a bit of levels to make, and it's about 95% complete of the level creations. In this topic, I'm going to talk about The Spectrum Levels.
Spectrum Levels were the last level of a group, although it's the hardest level in the group, making it the last one to set it for the group so it connects with the other groups. If you remember playing the crystal levels in Mystify Collision World, these kind of levels doesn't allow you to skip.
Here are the following examples of spectrum levels in the addin, although I just placed only 3:
1. HELIX SPECTRUM - this spectrum level consists a red structure with an albino structure beneath. That structure is near at the pipe, although huge flames and spikes were blocking the way. So think another way to solve the level to get the albino structure to the pipe.
2. ZENITH SPECTRUM - this spectrum level that consists of a "throat" structure which its surroundings were covered with spikes. With the help of water goo balls, you must build downwards to he throat so the beauty balls can pass through and get to the pipe.
3. DOPHOMOS SPECTRUM - this spectrum level is one of the complex of the spectrum levels. It has a time limit based that uses fuse balls, and a trap door the blocks the pipe, kills nearby goo balls until it destroys on contact.
This addin would be the last one on my 3rd Generation, I'm going to make "single levels" for the spectrum levels on my 4th Generation.
Geometry Hyperspace is on the way for testing, so moderators everything needs to be tested out.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Wow INWOG! You are awesome, I like your addins. Nice job with the new addin!
King goo ball.
It's been a month my Geometry Hyperspace wasn't published yet. What's going on?
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Oh sorry inwog, I don't know how but I totally didn't notice that you'd requested publication for it. Maybe with all the excitement about Little Inferno I overlooked the email, I dunno. I'll test it as quick as I can then.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
There's gonna be a Version 1.1 for Geometry Hyperspace. Hopefully it will be published late of December or in January 2013.
Or maybe in February 2013...


Yay! Geometry Hyperspace is released!
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015