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World of Goo 1/2 (An Unofficial Sequel)
The even newer

This mod is in no way an official sequel to World of Goo

This is my very first chapter, and is soon to be part of a MWV! This addin contains:
-A new look for the MWV!
-A new first chapter!
-A new second chapter!
-A new third chapter!
-A new fourth chapter!
-17 new species of Goo!
-51 new levels!

Changes in Update 1.1, A.K.A The 1st Minor Update:
-Corrected "Mountian" to "Mountain"
-Changed update number "0.1" to "1.1"
-Changed title image for Chapter 1
-Renamed "Into Darkness" to "Into the Dark"

Changes in Update 2.0, A.K.A The Debugged Update:

The Last Of The Goobals Level Pack
Product Relauncher

The Last Of The Gooballs Level Pack Is A 17-leveled Level Pack With Levels At All Sorts Of Difficulties.
You NEED To Download Everything For It To Work.

Flying Fishes

Version 4.0 (Underground Adventures Edition):
Added music
Changed Signpost 1's text.
Version 3.language a.k.a. 3.2:
Added italian and french language.
Added Blocks

Version 3.color:
Added sign
Changed color.

Version 3.0:
Major changes

Version 2.0:
Added another weird connection.
Added fire again and breakable bar.

Version 1.3:
Added one tower
There are 8 sleeping balls

Version aka 1.2.1 +:
Added Beauty
Added factorysmokewhite Particle

Version 1.2.1:
Removed Fire
Added blocks
Added Particles

Version 1.1.1:
Added two new towers

The Other Side of the Planet
Chapter minus 1

My first chapter. This chapter is the prequel of the Moon chapter so it is Chapter -1! Tongue


If you cannot download the 1.1 goomod below, try this mirror:
Some of the levels require you to think. If you don't know how to beat the level or get OCD, just think about it. Wink
This level will overwrite Chapter 3, so if you want to play the original levels in Chapter 3, you can try this awesome goomod called World Spin.

World of Goo: Lost in Paradise
Lost In Paradise


(This is a fan-made sequel to Kyle Gabler and Ron Carmel's World of Goo)

Toxic Goo presents a five chapter mod with new gooballs, levels and concepts!

(This mod is very large, so it has been broken into two parts, you have to install and activate both parts of the mod in order to play Smile)

This version may have updates, mainly on OCD changes. Make sure you have the latest version! If you have any thoughts, questions or criticism, leave it in the comments!

World of Goo: Geometry Hyperspace
Poster of Geometry Hyperspace

Geometry Hyperspace is the first ever addin to get levels from other addins within a space-themed game with 10 new levels.

- 50 Levels (40 of them are copies from my previous addins)
- Space-Themed Neon graphics
- 10 New Levels
- OCD Ring
- 10 Groups with 5 levels each (4 returning, one new)

World of Goo: Dynamic Destroyers
Poster of World of Goo: Dynamic Destroyers

World of Goo: Dynamic Destroyers gives players a taste of challenge to destroy blocks in certain worlds riding in an airship.

- 30 Levels, overrides the whole World of Goo Game
- Formal High-Definition Graphics
- Normal Medals and Gold Medals to achieve
- 8 Powerful Goo Balls.
- End on no Geometry End condition
- 6 Part Goomod

Christmas level pack
Snowy weathers

I didn't make this for fun.
I made this because I needed to.
(Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Party)

World of Goo in pencil

World of Goo NOW in pencil! All images were painted!

NOTE:in addin "com.goofans.vlad.WoGinpencil.Chapter1.goomod" save folder "images"

Special thanks bubblefish4!

World of Goo HD Easter Eggs for PC
World of Goo with Mighty Blimp

1.3 Updated

Changed level text for Route 99 according to the latest iOS version. Add a homemade up icon on the world view. Wink

1.2 Updated

Using the latest resources. Changed the island icon for island5. Added a particle effect and some unused resources. Feel free to use these resources. Wink

1.1 Updated

New Feature:
1. Moved Route 99 to island4.
2. Moved Mighty Blimp to island5 and show on MapWorldView.

Now you can see your blimp on the world. Cool
