
DemonGamer's picture


About Me

An above average goofan.

World of Goo

Towers by DemonGamer
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
bearctybinzSat, 08/03/2024 - 14:3341.17m1,3534 weeks 1 day
DemonGamerMon, 05/22/2023 - 19:150.00m3594 days 14 hours
Addins by DemonGamer

Digital Mayhem

My first ISH level!

Not as complicated as some of my other levels but I still really like this!

Also, thank you James for the ISH pokey!

Rotten Wasteland

Another level part of the "Waste series"

Don't have anything much to say about this other than its definitely one of my best, if not, MY BEST. You can decide on that Wink

Also thank you to Volcanojungle for some of his assets that were used in the level.

Out of the Depths

Finally got out another level. This ones been in the works for sometime but due to midterms, school, and everything else in my personal life, I never found myself getting motivation to finish. Hope to get more levels out now that I am on Christmas Vacation for 3 weeks Wink

This is the first time I tried making an "art" level. I got some inspiration from fan2 who is also a fantastic art level creator. I am super impressed how well this turned out. Definitely my best level to date Smile

Contraption Configuration


Good luck to anyone who attempts this, its pretty difficult Wink

Note: This level is an unofficial squeal to a level called: Contraption Of The Year.

A Jim2102 tribute

Dedicated to Jim :)

This is another recreation of an already made level this time the level being made by Jim2102. This inspiration comes from his woogle level editor video that is now deleted so this was recreated all from memory.

Divided Divide


Note: This level is not entirely mine. This is a recreation of a level made by Watching YouTube in his "how to build a custom level tutorial video." I tried my best to recreate it Wink

Thanks for the video by the way, it really helped me learn to understand the mechanics in making World of Goo levels.

A Midwinter Tower


Climb a deceivingly easy tower, use your balls wisely Wink



My first level, have fun Laughing out loud


Member for
5 years 18 weeks


Junior ArchitectAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD