
World of Goo

Towers by Vladislav
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
VladSat, 10/13/2012 - 03:0733.36m1,2856 days 12 hours
Addins by Vladislav

Autumn Level

Easy seasons levels!
Please rate!

Summer Level


Easy seasons levels!

My New Chapter

My first Chapter!Laughing out loud (in Chapter 2 Big smile )

If you find an error or something else, write it in the comments.Glasses

Please rate!


World of Goo in pencil

World of Goo NOW in pencil! All images were painted!

NOTE:in addin "com.goofans.vlad.WoGinpencil.Chapter1.goomod" save folder "images"

Special thanks bubblefish4!

Virtual Levels 2

My Virtual Levels 2

Virtual Levels

My Virtual levels

Map World of Goo

Version 1.1! Unnecessary files deleted! Have fun!

Paper 2

New stories and new Goo balls!
NOTE:this is my first attempt to create a Goo Ball!


Stories of Goo.

On the desktop

My desktop!


Member for
13 years 42 weeks


Addin AuthorToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD