Virus Box
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Total downloads: 1,567
Latest version: 1.8
Release date: 10/04/2010 - 13:35
This is the sequel to "Virus!" (Bug School 3 is not part of the Virus series). Get the box to the bottom of the pit to up grade it.
At the moment I have 2 problems in this level...they are:
. My AntiVirusPixel goo ball won't work
. I can't make an ISHR pipe cause for some reason it keeps on screwing up so I put pictures over the ISH pipe
To see what you think might be the problem with the antiviruspixel look at screen shot 2,3,4...(The antiviruspixel is being temperarily replaced by the pixel product for now)
Version 1.7 is here! Pipe is fixed and InfectedBitSP is temperarily replaced with a bitSP.
Version 1.8 is here! InfectedBit and the AntiVirusPixel are back and working!
Version | Platform | Release Date | Filename | Size | Downloads |
1.8 | All | Mon, 10/04/2010 - 13:35 | id.Virus Box 1.8.goomod | 490.07 KB | 1,566 |
There is 1 current download.
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Sun, 10/03/2010 - 07:54
I can't be 100% but looks like you've messed up the resource name. IMAGE_BALL_ANTIVIRUSPIXEL_DRAGMARKER_P1
That's what the red X's are trying to tell you...
Looks like you've tried to change it manually in the XML, you've added ANTIVIRUS but didn't delete PIXEL
So that resource id can't be found in the resources.
Also Check the resource tab in WooBLE, check that the correct resource id exists, and that it points to a file that exists.
Similar thing by the looks of it...
Not surprised it doesn't work... you've got almost ALL the resource ids for the PIPE bits wrong.
You've got IMAGE_VIRUS2_PIPE where you should have IMAGE_GLOBAL_PIPE
You've got BREND instead of BEND in several places
You've got PIPE_CAP_ instead of PIPE_CAP_OPEN_
You've got PIPE_HORIZ_ instead of just PIPE_
Check this page
If shows you what the resource names must be.
I imagine WooGLE was coming up with loads of errors, when you had the pipe type set to ISHR, missing pipe resources mostly I'd guess. Next time.. read them.. and try to fix them.
There's some other problem with the level as well.. which makes it crash on start.
I'm trying to track that down now.
Found it!.. and CONGRATULATIONS .. you've found a new bug in WooGLE!!
The problem is in the InfectedBit Ball .. guessing you didn't load that into WooBLE, or just ignored the errors.
There's a resource in the InfectedBit ball SOUND_BALL_INFECTEDBIT_POP1
It isn't used... but points to a file... res/balls/InfectedBit/pop1 which isn't in the goomod.
WooGLE checks all the used resources, but it turns out the game will crash if an unused resource file can't be found.
i) Add the file to the goomod
ii) Remove that resource completely from the InfectedBit ball (it's not used anyway)
Sun, 10/03/2010 - 19:10
1. I make goo balls by hand work (Always) cause I don't know how to use Wooble (Is there a tutorial).
2.The AntiVirusPixel is called exactly that because I'm working on an AntiVirusBit goo.
3.The pipe images were by goosweek from "Wall of Death" so I'll try to fix that.
4.Go here to download all of the AntiVirusPixel goo just in case its in another area of the txt:
5.What is the InfectedBit affecting (AntiVirusPixel or pipe)?
6.Which line is the error on via hand work for the AVP and the infectedBit?
Always have at least 3 levels in the work shop (Woogle)!
Mon, 10/04/2010 - 04:32
1. No tutorial yet.. but it's quite simple... the tree shows all the tags you are used to seeing in the XML. The properties pane shows all the attributes of the selected item...
Red X's show where there are problems....
5) InfectedBit problem is NOT connected to pipe or AVP. The level contains InfectedBitSP so the game also loads InfectedBit when the level starts, and the missing file causes the game to crash.
6) In AVP the problem is in the resources.xml line 16
You have not changed the idprefix and it is still set to IMAGE_BALL_SANDBOX_PIXEL_
So resource IMAGE_BALL_ANTIVIRUSPIXEL_DRAGMARKER... does not exist.. which is what WooBLE was trying to tell you with the Red X.
InfectedBit... see above
Either add the missing file to the goomod or remove the unused resource from resources.xml... your choice.
Mon, 10/04/2010 - 07:14
1. AntiVirusPixel is now working great (Just gotta change the images a little bit.)
2. You're wrong about the Infected bit..."Pop1" is used in "detonate" (Check the new 2 and 3 images for whats wrong)
Always have at least 3 levels in the work shop (Woogle)!
Mon, 10/04/2010 - 07:31
2. Actually NO it's not....
In resource.xml you have 2 resources with almost the same ID
This is near the top, just above the CHIRP ones... it is not used and references the missing file and causes the problem.
Is near the bottom with all the other POP ones... and is used in detonate, and is OK.
Like I said... remove that unused resource, or include the missing file.
The sinanim / sinvariance things show as problems in WooBLE because you are referencing a part which does not exist...
You are telling it to apply an animation to parts lefteye, righteye, hilite1, hilite2 but there are no <part>'s with those names.
Several of the original balls showed this problem, so if you copy one of those, you get the same thing.
Just delete all the sinvariance items..
all the sinanim's which reference a missing part (with the red X)...
and it'll be fine.
Mon, 10/04/2010 - 18:36
One last thing (Really 3):
1. My friend noticed a big problem with the latest version of woogle...for new levels the id of the level (Top of the "Addin" section) stays I'm currently using last version till the bug is fixed
2. Is it possible to add a child fire to the next version of woogle?
3. I think this level should be published now...
Always have at least 3 levels in the work shop (Woogle)!
Tue, 10/05/2010 - 02:20
1. tav right? I'm going to tell him the same thing... NOT A BUG!!
The old version used to fill in a default.. id.LevelName ... but we got loads of id.MyFirstLevel
So in the new version it leaves it blank, so that YOU have to think of your own addin id.
Click the id item in the tree, and enter a proper addin id into the "value" box in the properties bit.
Something like com.goofans.ExGT.LevelName
2) What do you mean by "child fire"?
3) I agree!
Tue, 10/05/2010 - 04:13
1. I tried but it won't work!
2. Like "Child Rectangle" or "Child Circle"... like in Upper Shaft.
Note: Recreated from memory by DaB.. 'cos I messed up.. Sorry
Always have at least 3 levels in the work shop (Woogle)!
Tue, 10/05/2010 - 04:20
Whoa.. what just happened!...
Oh.. I think I clicked edit instead of reply... Sorry
Tries to remember what ExGT wrote....
1. I tried it, it works just fine... v0.78 RC3?
Click the ID item in the tree... now look below in the Properties Window, you should see value (in red)... click to edit and enter a VALID id.
2. Err...
.. well I could.. but it won't work, since the game won't understand it.
Tue, 10/05/2010 - 05:25
1. Theres a version 0.78?!? I just downloaded version 0.77 1 or 2 days ago!
2. Is there any child particles? or are the only childs rectangle and circle...
3. You moderators sure have ALOT of access to this site.
4. Version 0.78 of woogle works fine! (Including id.)
Always have at least 3 levels in the work shop (Woogle)!
Tue, 10/05/2010 - 06:13
1. well 0.78 has been out for 10 days since 09/25 dunno how you missed it?
2. it's a compositeGEOM object.. so yes only rects and circles.
3. Yes. Most of the time that a good thing.. sometimes not so good
Tue, 10/05/2010 - 19:06
I missed version 0.78 cause under it there was 0.77 for windows and to me they seem the same so whats the difference...also is it possible to make a goo ball that is imune to deadly and most deadly but can burn?
Always have at least 3 levels in the work shop (Woogle)!
Tue, 10/05/2010 - 19:14
NOTHING is immune to deadly, unless you put it in an almost weightless geometry box (see Escape From The World). Mostlydeadly is easy...invulnerable=true.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Tue, 10/05/2010 - 21:10
Aren't BombStickyies immune to deadly, though?
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Tue, 10/05/2010 - 21:12
Nope! Try it! SSame for bones
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Wed, 10/06/2010 - 02:07
bombstickys are imune to most deadly (See "You have to explode the head")...but pokeys are imune to deadly aren't they?
Always have at least 3 levels in the work shop (Woogle)!
Wed, 10/06/2010 - 03:11
Sometimes... read this..
Especially.. *Notes about compositegeom objects and tags
Wed, 10/06/2010 - 05:27
But Bombstickys do die from deadly unlike what is said there:
"When a compgeom is tagged as deadly it does not kill "sticky" things. StickyBombs & AnchorStickys never die" (In my "Excape from the paper world" level the end of the page WAS set to deadly and the bombsticky die no matter what)..."Tagging it as both, deadly,mostlydeadly, makes it kill everything except StickyAnchors and StickyBombs". (In the level i'm making I got something set to deadly, most deadly, geomkiller and it kills everything!)
Also Once i set the original "Virus" to "invulnerable=true" and it did nothing...
Always have at least 3 levels in the work shop (Woogle)!
Wed, 10/06/2010 - 05:36
As it says... this "bug" ONLY applies to compositegeom objects.
In Paper World you just used lots of separate "normal" rectangles and circles, and they work just fine and exactly as expected.. deadly is deadly.
Wed, 10/06/2010 - 14:56
I thought it wasn't invulnerable=true, but material=boneball? :s
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Wed, 10/06/2010 - 16:04
boneball is just something like rock, ice, or swamp.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Fri, 10/08/2010 - 08:06
Good adaptation of the bug school#3. OCD'ed (eventually) when the penny dropped!
Imagination is more important than knowledge - Einstein
Fri, 10/08/2010 - 22:36
...? "Penny dropped"?
Always have at least 3 levels in the work shop (Woogle)!
Wed, 01/20/2021 - 09:48
Are Infected Goo flammable here?