Nintendo 3DS

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Joined: 03/19/2010

Anyone lined up for the March release?

Joined: 11/30/2010

i definitely have
i wonder if 2d boy will
make wog for the 3ds?
who knows?
anyway it is going to be awesome!
hey did you know the 3ds hard drive is made by Motorola?
well that's what i heard!

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Joined: 12/23/2010

I'd love to get a 3DS. Mostly for the Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney game.

@bf4: I don't think so. The screen would be quite small, and the double screen would be quite useless, and only one can be touched, which is probably why they didn't do it for the first NDS. What's more, it would be bothersome to try and take advantage of the 3DS's 3D capabilities.

But it would be pretty cool Big smile

Joined: 11/30/2010

nah the reason hey did not do it for the nds was because of the hardrive for the nds
in other words it would not be good enough for world of goo
and yes it would be cool!

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Joined: 12/31/2009

@Bubblefish: They probably couldn't do it by the time you have it, so you might want to wait. Tongue

@puggsoy: OBJECTION! XD

Joined: 12/23/2010

Jus' being practical...

I'd like 3D WoG. The only downside would be complete and utter confusion/weirdness in Chapter 4.

Joined: 08/06/2010

There is a "going up 3d" mod, and Davidc mentioned it being possible to make a utility that would convert everything in the game (including new levels and mods) to 3d.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 03/19/2010

@AB: Yes, that level is worth looking at, but I can't find it for download anywhere Tongue Does someone still have it, maybe they can send it? I was thinking about doing the translation but I want to see what the differences in depth are equivalent in terms of how far apart the cyan and red images should be.

Oh and I'm definitely preordering it. It's features are so worth it. To the people who say that it's a lot of money, remember that the Wii cost the same amount and this is way better than the wii.

Anyone want to know more about features? I did my research, as a result I'm an expert.

Joined: 12/23/2010

Um, I guess so. Apart from the 3D screen and standard NDS features.

But... can't people just go on Wikipedia?

Joined: 11/30/2010

wikipedia is not 100% reliable

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it is called ivygreen

Joined: 12/23/2010

About as reliable as Enchanter though Tongue

Joined: 11/30/2010

Laughing out loud
whats coming after the 3ds just asking
(what console will nintendo make next)

get my first theme here:
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Joined: 08/06/2010

Maybe a 3d Kinect-like "Wiii"?

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 12/23/2010

I heard somewhere that they were gonna go back to making GameBoy's after the NDS. I mean, they'll still have awesome graphics, but I think it'll just be one screen, no touch. But probably chock full of new features.

Joined: 08/06/2010

Like better speakers, maybe an analog stick?

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 12/23/2010

Ooh, analog would be cool. Built-in wireless linking, maybe even Wi-Fi like the NDS, that could happen. They'd probably make some more Crash Bandicoot games, those weren't bad.

Joined: 05/05/2010

the PSP-4000 or PSP2 is coming out soon...
i cant wait to use one.

TM13's View of the World of Goo: PART 1 is now out!

(I now go by ENDESGA)

Joined: 12/23/2010

I don't know what they could improve on PSPs... they're an entertainment system in a bag.

You got the whole world in your hand! Big smile

Joined: 03/19/2010

Okay features: (plus I'm more reliable than wikipedia. Been following the 3DS for months, even since the E3 announcement)

+360 degree analog stick (similar to the PSP one, flat, but with more degrees of movement)
+3D Movie Capabilities (Nintendo has already made deals with Warner Bros and Pixar. Possibly an app-store type buying system for 3D movies)
+3D Videos and Pictures (two outer cameras allow for depth in the pictures you take as well as 3D filming with playback)
+SD Support (already came with the DSi, but the 3DS comes with a 2GB card right out of the box!)
+AR Games (augmented reality; place an AR Card that comes in the box on a flat surface or table, the 3DS will show it in realtime video and turn it into a game! Will put graphics such as a hole over the card and a dragon popping out and firing its fire-breath at you, moving the 3DS will be able to view it from all angles, resulting in a realistic living, breathing dragon in your living room!)
+Backwards Compatibility (as well as 3D games, it will allow for all DS and DSiWare games. And an old feature is being re-added: gameboy game support! Except, this will be a Virtual-Console type system similar to the wii's. Will have a download service for all old gameboy games.)
+Breathtaking Quality (same pixelage as the Wii! Actually, better. When not in 3D mode, the side-to-side pixels are doubled, as the 3D view is 400 pixels for each eye. Results in 800 pixels horizontally if you go back to 2D, but 3D is still pretty cool)
+Depth Slider (for those who are afraid of damaging your eyes. There are over 5 levels of depth to choose from, including just seeing pure 2D on everything. This is similar, but with more options, to the brightness levels of the previous DSs. Although, I'm pretty sure it will have brightness options as well.)
+Mii Maker (Yes! Miis are back, with more options! You can even import your mii from the Wii! These are used as your avatar for most apps and some games and for online play.)
+Better Friend Code System (one friend code for all games! Similar to Xbox Live, except you don't have to pay monthly! Notification lights on the side of the 3DS tell you when a friend is online, just meaning that they've stepped into a Wifi zone and have their 3DS open.)
+3DS Download Play (works with other 3DSs on some games to play with only one cartridge! Similar to original DS's DS Download play, also has power to enable old DS Download compatibility so you can still play wirelessly with an old DS!)
+Wifi Awesomeness (3DS automatically connects to wifi whenever it can, including wifi hotspots. Have it closed in your pocket and it will detect wifi automatically and connect if it's either passwordless or you already input the password. This is another very unique feature)
+Updated chat and online abilities (chat [similar to Pictochat] and play minigames with friends who you have exchanged friend codes with, if you are both online.)
+Streetpass (walk around with your 3DS closed and it will connect automatically to other 3DSs that are nearby. Trades information such as miis, profile data, gameplay data, and some in-game help. Pass a lot of 3DSs and you can earn bonuses from Nintendo like games and tokens [used to get more apps])
+Updated eShop (buy games differently from before. No longer must you purchase Nintendo Points, as currency IS the currency! It will show how much actual money you have in your account as you purchase games and apps in the online shop for download.)
+More Wireless! (some games, like Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition, will have online capabilities like streetpass. Walk by someone in-game, and you will fight automatically without doing anything. Get stuff in-game from those random battles and lose nothing for you didn't pick the fight! [Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition does this])

Smile Want it now?

Joined: 11/30/2010

i was already getting it!
Laughing out loud

get my first theme here:
it is called ivygreen

Joined: 12/23/2010

OK, I didn't read all of it, but it sounds AWESOME. And an SD out of the box? Legendary.

Now if only I was allowed and could afford one...

Joined: 11/30/2010

im gonna trade in some stuff
as well as money of course

get my first theme here:
it is called ivygreen

Joined: 03/19/2010

Yes, Gamestop has a deal in North in your old DS for a large percentage of the price to just drop off.
For DSiXL: $100 off
For DSi: $75 off
For DSlite: $50 off

This deal lasts until February 20th so, to anyone who can, make use of it!

Joined: 12/23/2010

I think EB Games has this kind of deal the whole time. For anything. So basically you can trade in anything to get money off anything. And sometimes they have exquisite deals, like "Trade in a PS2 and 3 games to get a PS3 with 25% off!" Although maybe more reasonable stuff than that.

Joined: 03/19/2010

Well I think trading in my DSiXL that I'm probably never going to use again for $100 off the price is very worth it.

Joined: 11/30/2010

the dsi xl was a waste of time nerly exactly the same as the dsi but bigger
and with a few demos!

that and it was a big waste of money for Nintendo considering that the 3ds was in production when the dsi xl was released and it was going to be released soon after i mean come on Nintendo why release something that is not really different from your previous console!
(no offense Nintendo) but apart from that Nintendo is awesome!

get my first theme here:
it is called ivygreen

Joined: 12/23/2010

Maybe some people complained that the DSi was too small?

Joined: 11/30/2010

nah it was the size of a ds

get my first theme here:
it is called ivygreen

Joined: 03/19/2010

bubblefish4 wrote:
the dsi xl was a waste of time nerly exactly the same as the dsi but bigger
and with a few demos!

that and it was a big waste of money for Nintendo considering that the 3ds was in production when the dsi xl was released and it was going to be released soon after i mean come on Nintendo why release something that is not really different from your previous console!
(no offense Nintendo) but apart from that Nintendo is awesome!

Tongue A couple of things: There were too few differences to upgrade if you already had a DSi, but if you were about to buy your first DS, get it. Its screens are huge! And they aren't demos, it comes with $18 worth of software that you would normally buy. Coming with a huge stylus to top it off makes the extra $20 you spend worth it.

But still if you already had a DSi then you wouldn't upgrade. Too few changes. Tongue

EDIT: Not to mention, their announcement wasn't all bad. Obviously, they still made a lot of money from the XL regardless of their bad timing for their announcements.

Joined: 11/30/2010

yea i see some of your points
but you must admit Nintendo wasted a lot of money on the dsi xl why
didn't they just release the dsi xl rather than the dsi it was just so pointless and a waste of money but if it is your first ds well it doesn't really matter but
it was pretty slack of Nintendo.
(no offense Nintendo).

get my first theme here:
it is called ivygreen

Joined: 03/19/2010

Well it definitely wasn't a bad thing! Tongue Nintendo still gained plenty of money, and the idea was good regardless.