Need support and your thoughts

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 11/30/2010

I need your thoughts on this question are my mods worth using?
Thanks i know this topic is kinda pointless but i just need a bit of support i need the truth.
thank you fellow goofans.
Laughing out loud

get my first theme here:
it is called ivygreen

Joined: 09/01/2009

Hi there, bf4.
Just wondering what exactly you're asking. "Worth using" isn't really that descriptive. Worth installing? Worth using in other mods? What?

In reality, you shouldn't really care what other people think about your mods. If you're having fun, keep at it. It's the love of Goo, after all. Smile

Joined: 12/23/2010

Hi bf4, it's been a while.

Basically, what MOM said. If you look at it one way, none of the WoG addins are "worth using" because they don't help people survive in any way.
On the other hand, all WoG addins are worth using because they are all simply extending WoG, giving more fun to the player.

As MOM says, it's for the love of Goo.