Chef Bereft Branch Off

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Joined: 01/31/2011

Inspired by MOM4Evr's Chef Bereft Episode 3, 2, and 1.

Just a title page with a main theme.

The story is behind Chef Bereft who creates the ultimate living piece of dough. All was happy until dough boy was due to be cut up then cooked alive (or dead). So he ran away...somehow... but the outside world isn't for something so...delicious...moist....juicy...RAGHHH YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM ME DOUGH BOY!

(Music credit is on youtube)

I did not make Chef Bereft the main character BECAUSE the theme I was going for was more dark and gloomy with hints of happiness scattered. Like a donut with sprinkles. I also needed a character that was easily lovable. A man is not easily lovable. A cute, living piece of ultimate dough, is. A man can easily defend himself from the things that would be in this game. A dough boy, sadly, will have a much harder time. I also needed an excuse for why things would attack dough boy, and that would be for the ultimate delicious piece of dough.

Cutscene of doom:

ChefBereft's Scene where he is about to cut up Dough Boy:

Enjoy MOM and Goofans!

Joined: 02/20/2011

So creepy... Yet so cool....

Makes you want to say:


I'm not good at making sound effects.


Joined: 07/08/2011

I looked at his videos today. Chef Bereft looks like it would be fun. The fact that it's amateur is obvious, but it looks fun regardless.

Cheese Master looks much better, but there are still some amateur elements lingering. The way the music is set up just puts you off a bunch. Keep all music in space consistent, or else the player will get really annoyed by all the track changes. Those bugs you showed are going to have to be fixed. (yes, I read the description) The only other thing I can think of is the limited falling velocity level you have set. It's good in some games (like Cave Story) but your jumping speed is way too fast for it to be a good element in your game. Oh, and the tiles look really geometric, I mean, it just looks blocky.

Joined: 01/31/2011

RedTheGreen wrote:
I looked at his videos today. Chef Bereft looks like it would be fun. The fact that it's amateur is obvious, but it looks fun regardless.

Cheese Master looks much better, but there are still some amateur elements lingering. The way the music is set up just puts you off a bunch. Keep all music in space consistent, or else the player will get really annoyed by all the track changes. Those bugs you showed are going to have to be fixed. (yes, I read the description) The only other thing I can think of is the limited falling velocity level you have set. It's good in some games (like Cave Story) but your jumping speed is way too fast for it to be a good element in your game. Oh, and the tiles look really geometric, I mean, it just looks blocky.

lol I think its funny how you kind of point out the technical aspects and I'm more of the ascetics and presentation kind of person Tongue

I want to know what MOM has to say for any of this Tongue

Haven't heard from MOM for a while Shock

Joined: 09/01/2009

Nice artwork, Howitz. I like it. Smile Kind of a... different take than what I was going for. But cool. A little Super-Meat-Boy-esque.

Howitz wrote:
Haven't heard from MOM for a while Shock

Well, I do have a life, Y'know. And family over this weekend.

@Red: I'm planning on the space areas being a lot larger than they are currently. This way the music won't change as often. And I'm also keeping in touch with a really good composer guy who I'd like to make some music for my game (He's a bit busy atm, but so am I), so the MIDI will eventually be replaced. In the video, I played the game in Linux, which doesn't have support for all types of MIDI instruments yet, so the MIDI actually sounds better than what is in the video, as well.

As for falling velocity, it's currently at the maximum it can be due to limitations in my tile collision code. I'm going to rewrite the code sometime in the near future, so thanks for reminding me to change the terminal velocity speed when I do so.

And as for blocky, why do you play Terraria and Minecraft if you don't like blocky? Tongue
No, seriously, I'm considering sloped tiles, they're just a bit tricky to create with the tilted-tile perspective.

Joined: 07/08/2011

Alright, I guess that would be fine. The music changing so often just threw me off a little. I also assumed it was in Linux. Smile

Ah, I understand now.

Your blocks look 3D, or have cubic sort of looks. It's obvious you have masks down, so why don't you make the ground image a little different? The code would be the same, just change the images.

Joined: 09/01/2009

I'm sorry, I'm not certain what you're saying. What do you mean by "mask"? I'm not using pixel-perfect collisions, if that's what you mean.

Joined: 07/08/2011

By mask I mean the part the player actually "touches". You have a 3-dimensional cube for your tile, but the player only has a collision with the front pane of the cube, that part being the mask.

Joined: 09/01/2009

Nope, actually. The part he collides with is one tile, while the rest of the 'ground' is composed of other tiles.

Joined: 07/08/2011

Yep. That's a mask. One image the player "collides" with while the others are the ones that are visible. Make the ones that he doesn't collide with a little more eccentric.

Joined: 09/01/2009

Nope again, actually. He isn't colliding with the image, but a rectangle placed in the same position as a visible image. If it were a pixel-perfect collision, yes, it would be a mask, but at present it's a simple geometric collision (rectangle-rectangle).

And whatcha mean by eccentric? The non-colliding tiles should still realistically fit with how the rest of the tiles look...

I am planning on some nice parallelax backgrounds and such, if that's what you mean.

EDIT: I can tell I'm not probably explaining this the best way possible, so here's one tileset:

Each tile is hardcoded (actually, read in from a file, but you know what I mean) to be either colliding or not colliding. The noncolliding ones are just for looks, to fill out the rest of the 3-D-cube look. The colliding ones form the ground the player walks on (namely, tiles 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16, and 26, starting with tile 0 in the upper left), and a simple rectangle the same size as these images is used as a collision zone. No maskhs.

Oh, and tile 27 is a deprecated way of making the player start out in a certain position. I've changed the method now to calculate where to place the player based on where they flew into the planet using some simple geometry and ratio calculations (Find the angle between centers, use this as a ratio against 2pi radians and the width of the planet's map to land the player in the right horizontal coordinate). Which reminds me, I need to make the screen-wrapping slightly better to give the illusion of round planets, and probably some screen distortion for smaller planets would be good, too...

Joined: 02/20/2011

So is this video game sort of like a morbid gingerbread man?


Joined: 09/01/2009

Howitz's idea is, yes, but Chef Bereft is completely family-friendly, I assure you.

Joined: 02/20/2011

I know it is ( family friendly ), but I guess it's sort of like Ronald dahl. Creepy and dark, but appropriate enough for kids. Like ronald's version of the three little pigs is that red riding hood shoots the wolf with a gun. And also the pigs.


Joined: 01/31/2011

lol Morbid gingerbread man... heheheheh...

Joined: 02/20/2011

Run run as fast as you can! You can't stab me! I'm the the gingerbread man! And I've got a machine gun!


Joined: 07/08/2011

Oh, just geometry for your collision? Eh. What I said still applies. The other images you draw on there are just for looks. The looks you currently have still make it look square, just with depth.

Joined: 09/01/2009

In that case, everything would be a mask, but mmkay. Tongue

Joined: 07/08/2011

Yeah, I guess so. Tongue I was just trying to convey what I meant.