Goofans Steam group

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Joined: 03/31/2009

Hey guys.

So, like the title says, I have created Goofans Steam group for all us us who use Steam. Smile
Come and join us if you like to.

My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods

Joined: 09/01/2009

Steam under Wine keeps crashing for me. But I'll come and join whenever I feel like using Windows. Smile

Joined: 07/08/2011

I think James and I were only made officers because we were online at the point of creation. Tongue

Amirite, Pavke?

Joined: 03/31/2009

Nope, thats not true Smile you are made officers because you are true goofans, you have been here for a long time Smile

My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods

Joined: 12/23/2010

Joined Smile

It's funny though, about two weeks ago I also joined a brand new Steam group from another forum I'm on, The Hive Workshop, and that was only a few days after I got it. Funny that everyone starts making groups when I get Steam Tongue

Joined: 07/08/2011

Heh. I thought everyone forgot. Tongue

@puggsoy: Yea, ironic, I guess.