Issue Tracker

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Joined: 04/29/2011

I would like to know why the "Issue Tracker" is accessible to the users and not only for mods.
I ask this because as I see its a bit compicated for a non-specialist.
(However I would like to continue to use it Smile)

Joined: 09/01/2009

Davidc made the issue tracker available to everyone just because it was easier, I guess. There's no need for you to use it; indeed, I haven't even used it so far. If you find a glitch in the site, GooTool, or have a suggestion that isn't currently in the tracker, you can feel free to make a ticket for it, or post in the forums if you don't understand the tracker, and someone else can create it for you.

Joined: 12/23/2010

Yeah, David made it accessible to everyone because it'd be more hassle to give it to individuals, although if it gets abused he'll probably change that. It can be used for reporting issues, but I'd suggest discussing it on the forums before doing so as it may be a temporary glitch or something that's already being worked on.

If you have a suggestion though, please post it in the Suggestion List, and if it's reasonable a mod can add it to the Tracker themselves.

Joined: 04/29/2011

Oh well... Ok.

(I haven't known that I can add something to it!)
Thanks for explanation! Smile