Moderation Request
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Sun, 06/03/2018 - 13:03
I feel like there are not enough mods on this forum, so I want to try and ask if I can become a moderator. Ive been here for over a year, I have a decent understanding of how things work, and im very active. (I will most likely get denied, but its worth a shot)
For some reason when I started I thought you were a moderator (And I agree).
Obsession Completion Disorder
yeah i agreeeee it would make the website better (from the 2 mins that im on every 4 weeks)
my attempt of becoming a moderator failed![Tongue Tongue](
I now go by StrixToxis.
How come? I mean more moderators means the process of goomods' publishing can get shorter, since my goomods have not been published yet. I uploaded them 3 days ago.
I admit i am a little impatient, but i do hope there were more moderators on this site.
oh, hi, how are you guys?
also, i if you ask do i want to be moderator or not, i don't wanna be the moderator.
(don''t even try)
Hello! I'm Fishgoggles.
How to apply to be a moderator though? Moreover, the moderators here aren't known so I don't know how to contact them directly.
and how much dose the request pay
Nerdy Z is coming.
Did you write this by accident? it doesn’t say anything ! Also , are you working on any new levels or chapters at the moment slipknot?
On the moderator page there are only 4 moderators at a time
Obsession Completion Disorder
Dang... all of these replies and I still have not got an answer from davidc...
I now go by StrixToxis.
Gooey asked davidc if he could become moderator, but he said there were already enough mods at the moment
I understand. I just want an official reply instead of getting ignored.
I now go by StrixToxis.
If you want to get a reply from DavidC, your best bet is to send him a message via email. It's somewhere around here.
I made goomods.
I have sent an email, but I got no reply. I might have to send it again if it didnt send properly.
I now go by StrixToxis.
Any reply?
Obsession Completion Disorder