Exploding Geometry

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Joined: 06/21/2010

How do you make exploding geometry?

Joined: 06/19/2009
Joined: 06/21/2010

Two questions:
1. What is the difference between break=1 and break=2?
2. What is break=??

Joined: 08/06/2010

break=2 needs more "force", mostly used in levels with "Bits"; break=1 is normal for BombMinis, BombShafts, and BombStickies.

break=? doesn't exist yet, it means any number replaces the "?". I'm currently researching the effect.

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Joined: 06/19/2009

Damn... was hoping to keep that a bit quiet... but here's how it works...

A ball has a detonateforce and a detonateradius
When it explodes it creates a breaking "zone", the "breaking force" in this zone is detonateforce at the centre and reduces linearly to 0 at detonateradius.

If an object is tagged break=(1,2,whatever) then it will explode if the breaking force acting on it is larger than the break number. I didn't investigate exactly where this force is measured (probably the object's centre point)

The result of this is.. break=2 is pretty much exactly the same as break=1
because most exploding balls have detonate forces like 500, so whether something is break=1 or break=2 makes very little difference because the force is usually 100+ anyway.

Joined: 09/01/2009

Interestingly enough, if you are playing WOG with visualdebug on, you see the actual size of the explosion for a split-second, in the form of a large circle. Which makes me wonder if there are some kind of special attributes you can give to a geometry to make it kill break=1 or break=2 geometry. This would be interesting, because a geomkiller can only kill non-static geometry currently. Feel like researching this, DaB? Or have you already? Wink

Joined: 08/06/2010

Oops... sorry. Oups
I've noticed that you need break=2 for things with bits, because they have such a big radius. It seems like it's actually more than 2, because it makes a huge difference when I tested it in my Rockslide level.

Also, you can't use break=2 with Z bombs because they don't really "explode."

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 06/21/2010

But is there any way to test break=? because in WooGLE there is no way (unless you mean manually editing the XML file...)

Joined: 08/06/2010

Yeah, you need to edit manually, but I think WooGLE is okay with it once it's in there.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.