I have created a level.
I added in section "Addin" of editor, in "levels > level" - "cutscene".
I created a movie with the same name as there.
I saved the .goomod file of level.
I violated all the laws and changed the file .goomod to .zip, inserted in proper places the files of movie and returned the file name back to .goomod.
I ran it with the GooTool and everything was fine until it is written "Movies are not supported in this spec-version (com.goofans.gootool.v)"!
What to do?
(sorry about my bad english...)
Cutscenes aren't supported by GooTool, so it can't install them to run after the level automatically.
What you have to do if you want to run a cutscene after a level is edit the island.xml files. You should read the island.xml documentation on how it works, and see if you can get it working. If not, I'll see if I can make a quick tutorial on it.
(Although now that I think about it, it shouldn't be too hard to actually implement cutscene support for GooTool, at least for playing after levels.)
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Try to change the addin/@spec-version to 1.1 in goomod/addin.xml.
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Thank you, but with islands it don't quite fit to mine level... Although I will try it and maybe something will turn...
As for "spec-version 1.1" there has already been written 1.1...
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There is one way you could do it. What GooTool does is it basically just edits the island1.xml files so that your level appears there, if your addin type is "level". What you could do instead is set it to "mod", and make your own island1.xsl that does the same, but adds the custscene attribute.
So basically it would be doing what GooTool does, but with the cutscene as well. Why GooTool doesn't support cutscenes by doing this, I don't know.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
I think davidc will implement this as soon as possible.
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I can do it (with island), but now I know whence comes error: when GooTool see folder "compile/res/movie" or "override/res/movie" it displays an error that movies are not supported... So islands will not help...
Even if I'll program this to show video, GooTool will not allow files of this movie to install...
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Make sure you've changed the addin type in addin.xml to "mod" instead of "level", and removed the "levels" and "level" tags.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Yes. Changed and removed, but it shows me this error again...
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Are you putting the actual binltls in the override folder?
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Yes)) From the beginning, it was...
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You should be able to put binary movie files in the override directory. GooTool doesn't do anything special with files in there (with the exception of PNG files, which it compiles on the Mac).
OK, but as it is now to be with images, without which the movie will not go?
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