Chapter Addins

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Epic Goo Tales Pt.1: The Salvation Of The Ruined City

Epic Goo Tales Pt.1: The Salvation Of The Ruined City is my eighth chapter. This is the first part from my cancelled trilogy Epic Goo Tales. It has 8 levels. This is the first chapter to include a new level system called “sub–levels.” There are two levels in the chapter with that level system. The first single level “Metropolis” includes 3 parts and so for the level “The Root Of All Evil.” It is a very dark chapter with a dark story. The main goo ball used in this chapter is the “Emo Ivy.” There are 6 sub-levels sol the total levels in this chapter is 14.

Experimental Land

Note: As of October 2019, ExpLand is deprecated and no further development is planned. You can still download the latest version with 7 levels.

Goofans Contest | 16/07/2021

This is contest in Western Theme!

Authors of the levels:

Blazer89 - Route 100
Volcanojungle - Gold Mine
Iodine-127 - Goo Canyon
Pixelyne - Ranchy's Long Western Road

Map music: Kevin MacLeod - Western Streets


Contest Winner: Volcanojungle !

Goofans Level Design Contest Volume 3
Here's a look at the chapter. I dunno what other images to use.

At last, the third level design contest is finally out! The theme for this contest was "Vanilla", and as of now currently has the most submissions as of yet!

P.S. this chapter is also compatible with other goomods! Try it out, it's pretty neat.

Update: The winner of this contest was APerson, with their level "Rainy Day" Congrats!

Googuy57 Island
Googuy57 Island's Cover Art by .SkipKnot._2_2

My very first chapter! It took me a while to figure out how to make a chapter, but I managed to create it after a while!

This chapter originally had many issues, but thanks to gooey goo, he fixed the issues! So this chapter should no longer have any bugs or errors! I also learned from him on how to decrypt bin files in the chapter's levels. Thanks gooey goo! Big smile

Big thanks to .SlipKnoT._2_2 for the awesome cover art for Googuy57 Island!

Levels in this chapter:

My First Level
Down Below
How to Build a Tower
Bridge of Doom
Going Up 2
Beauty Contest

Lush Woods

This chapter ROCKS!

This chapter is the very first I uploaded to goofans.
The ones with hyperlinks are here, whilst some don't.
Also, please uninstall EVERY SINGLE version of the levels in GooTool.

It contains:
Lush Tower
Honeybee Tower
Citrus Tower
Barbershop Tower
Machine Tower
Donut Tower

Metal Matter

A chapter goomod made by me, Ravon!

This mod takes place in an industrialized world with unique islands filled with many wacky robots, you decide to explore with your goo ball companions to discover the mysteries of this world. Though the adventure may be very tough, as many of the levels might be very difficult, but just believe in yourself and you can conquer them all!

I haven't thought of much of a complete story for it yet, but hopefully I can work it out in the end! And I hope you enjoy this Mod!

My New Chapter

My first Chapter!Laughing out loud (in Chapter 2 Big smile )

If you find an error or something else, write it in the comments.Glasses

Please rate!


Mysterious Fuel Factory

This is my first level pack, and now it's a NEW CHAPTER!(may become a new chapter)!
Mysterious Fuel Factory-one factory of the ENS Factories!.
That means this is a series about the ENS factories, and the factory(real name is the Ens Fuel Factory) is the one of all.


Nature Worlds
Poster of Nature Worlds

Mother Nature is counting on us

Join Mother Nature as we are going to the wonderful worlds of nature. From woods, oceans, deserts, caves, there's plenty more to outcome. But be warn that many of the levels were challenging, and it needs a lot of logic for that.

- 10 Breathtaking Levels in one chapter
- Graphics made in GIMP
- a blissful storyline about Mother Nature
