Chapter Addins

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The Mysterious Place

My second chapter! There are about 9 levels in this chapter, and it is located in a mysterious place. I created the really cool background in Gimp, there are mountains in the background with a path leading to the summit, as well as to the beach!

The Mysterious Place overrides Chapter 3, so the chapter takes place in the winter. But there weren't any snow in the levels, and I forgot to make the background look like winter, sorry about that! I would've overrided Chapter 1, but I hear thats a big bug, so I avoided that. At least the chapter itself is the main thing.

The Official TM13's View of the World of Goo: PART 1
and remember: HAVE FUN!

This is PART 1 to the huge 3 part mod.

Welcome to the other side of the world.

Its Tacomann13's View, of what the 'other side' looks like.

please note:

That this mod will only work if there are no other LEVEL MODS in your Gootool. That means you can still enjoy themes.

thank you,

The Other Side of the Planet
Chapter minus 1

My first chapter. This chapter is the prequel of the Moon chapter so it is Chapter -1! Tongue


If you cannot download the 1.1 goomod below, try this mirror:
Some of the levels require you to think. If you don't know how to beat the level or get OCD, just think about it. Wink
This level will overwrite Chapter 3, so if you want to play the original levels in Chapter 3, you can try this awesome goomod called World Spin.

The Red Mist

The Red Mist is my seventh chapter and gg’s last chapter with me. It is about a villain trying to colonize the Information Superhighway. It is the 2nd chapter released for Season3. It contains cool fx and gfx that makes the gameplay more interesting but it sometimes make the eyes of people hurt ‘cause the color of the most levels is red. The chapter grossed 658 downloads w/ single levels and grossed 227 downloads alone.

Single levels from this chapter

1. "Digital Jail"
Released: January 13, 2014

The Red Parallel Universe

The Red Parallel Universe is my twelfth chapter. The complete release was out on April 9, 2018 with cutscenes and everything else.
It is a part of a very big map world view I'm developing right now.
BTW, the chapter includes a ton of new music!
Chapter 2 and 3 are on the way!

AND, the official OST can be listened here.

Single Levels:
Released: April 1, 2018.

This chapter surpassed the downloads of the previous one, Black and White 2.
As of September 2018, this is now a sequel to The Red Mist.

The Unknown World Alpha Version [Discontinued, see desc.]

This download page and the contents are discontinued. The remaster is hosted on a new addin page.



This is an unofficial version of World of Goo 2008

Gooey Goo and Toxic Goo are VERY proud to present World of Goo: The Unknown World!
A direct sequel to BOTH World of Goo 1/2 AND Lost In Paradise!

The mod is not downloadable on this site due to the large size, so use the link here and make sure you know what you are downloading!

first part

Hey! It's Volcanojungle!

this is a remake (the map only) of my previous chapter, also the only one i made, for now.

I finally finish the remake of my first chapter, theFactoryLands. Now, the chapter have a custom map, lot better than the previous one!

There are 12 levels on this chapter. All of them are on the site (

- W6
- Factory Entrance
- Gunpowder
- GunwpoderChallengeTime
- DarkRiver
- Pipeway
- Main Pipeline
- Main Drain
- Wasting
- Smoke Problem
- WasteStorageUnit
- IntotheWasteLandfill

TheFactoryLands (alpha version (chapter 1 only))
Waste part

This is my really first custom chapter!

i prefer the remastered version that you can download here:

There are 12 levels on this chapter. All of them are on the site (

- W6
- Factory Entrance
- Gunpowder
- GunwpoderChallengeTime
- DarkRiver
- Pipeway
- Main Pipeline
- Main Drain
- Wasting
- Smoke Problem
- WasteStorageUnit
- IntotheWasteLandfill

I hope you'll enjoy and a lot of thanks to Crazydiamonde for his help for the "coding" part of the chapter!!

Credits: music: Kyle gabler

Thwack School

Hello! This is a mod I made around a year ago, and I've decided to upload it here on goofans.

This mod is all about the art of thwacking! There are five levels here to help you learn how to balance better than ever before!

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!

Tutorial Chapter

Hey! It's Volcaonjungle!

This is a chapter i made for a tutorial on youtube:links are below.
