Garbage Dump

Author: javerikr
Total downloads: 1,630
Latest version: 0.8
Release date: 08/08/2010 - 12:26
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with GooTool
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This shouldn't have taken that long, I know I've been away for a while. Wink
Version 0.8 because it's not totally perfect yet, please comment on how to make it better. Also I want to know how to do two things in the level:
Make the goo cans actual objects so they are "tippable"
Make the clouds feel like clouds
One more thing: now I will be putting id's as my own domain, not goofans'.

Major problem!

Some people don't have some images required in the level, and as a result some parts of the level will not show up. If you look in pictures 6-8 the cliff to the right does not show. Please see comments section for more info.

In the meantime!

While I fix this (or somebody else does) click here to download the cliff images used in the level. Place them all in "/res/levels/Drool". If your OS asks if it's OK to rewrite some of the files say it's OK.

There are 8 screenshots.

Right cliff does not show.
Right cliff does not show.
Right cliff does not show.
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
0.8AllSun, 08/08/2010 - 12:26com.javerikr.level.garbage.goomod90.18 KB1,630

There is 1 current download.