The Metal Sandbox

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Total downloads: 16,378
Latest version: 2.2 (Gamma)
Release date: 10/18/2010 - 01:25
The Metal Sandbox is now bigger and better. There are new features in this sandbox:
Utilities Introduced in Version 1.9
1. Metal Detachers - the round shaped object at the bottom of the sandbox.
2. Metal Delete - the rectangle that looks like a trash can so you can put usless goo balls there.
3. Metal Non-Gravity- as for momo1526's Sandbox Goo Dispenser Level, it has unlimited gravity!
Utilities Introduced in Version 1.9.5
4. Metal Lever - like a server platform.
5. Metal Carrier - this utility holds blocks at its shelf.
6. Metal Accelerator - this utility will launch a goo upwards.
7. Metal Water - drain.
8. Metal Spike Group - only Asconta, Wayming, Fizus and Hanorra goos can get there.
9. Metal Tube - this utility is just a tunnel.
10. Metal Sun - attracts objects to there.
Utilities Introduced in Version 2.1
11. Metal Destroyer - destroys any dynamic objects in the way.
12. Metal Proof - useless but it only pours water.
The Balls were made by Microsoft PowerPoint's Auto Shapes.
At this point, no OCD, no pipe but endless and fun! You can use these balls to create your levels on your own.
Metal WoG
Types of Metal Balls
The Metal Goo Balls has their own names now.
Single Ability Balls
These balls have only 1 ability within its property.
1. Metallo (Brown) - attaches 2 strands, but it doesn't detach.
2. Akiru (Blue) - attaches 3 strands, detachable.
3. Evila (Red) - attaches 2 strands, it doesn't detach but it can ignite.
4. Asconta (Gray) - attaches 2 strands, it doesn't detach, immune to spikes.
5. Emut (Indigo) - launches but it doesn't attach.
6. Vagashan (Marigold) - attaches 2 strands, it doesn't detach, ignites faster
Combined Ability Balls
These balls combines 2-3 balls from the single ability balls.
1. Fierula (Purple) - attaches 3 strands. Akiru + Evila
2. Wayming (Yellow) - attaches 3 strands. Akiru + Asconta
3. Fizus (Orange) - attaches 2 strands. Evila + Asconta
4. Hanorra (Green) - attaches 3 strands. Akiru + Evila + Asconta
5. Itchigo (Pink) - launches but it doesn't attach. Evila + Emut
Upgrade Balls
These balls were the rarest ones in the sandbox.
1. Jeromon (White) - attaches 4 strands, detachable.
2. Exantion (Aqua) - attaches 3 strands, detachable and sticky.
3. Stacal (Lime) - attaches 4 strands, detachable, has a greater amount of mass.
4. Draigar (Black) - attaches 3 strands, detachable, ignites faster.
Clicking an Emut or Itchigo Goo can move anywhere but it back to launch. But if you put a indigo or pink goo to the structure, it can launch so fast like the speed of light!
Version 1.5
- first goomod release.
Version 1.6
- Edited all Goo Balls, added glow, splat image squished and strand became thinner.
- The Main Sandbox became Higher and changes for the level design.
- All balls in the sandbox has +3 balls, 10 all and 8 Basic.
Version 1.7
- Added new Goo Balls: MetalLauncher and MetalLauncherFuse.
- Edited The Main Sandbox.
Version 1.7.5
- Added Spanish Language
- Edited The 2 new Balls
- Added the launch sounds for MetalLauncher (so as MetalLauncherFuse as well)
That's why the Official Metal Levels crashed!
Version 1.8
- Location is now in the Old World of Goo Corporation
- Edited Balls: MetalDetach and MetalInvincibleDetach
- Added French, German and Italian Languages
Version 1.8.5
- Added more Basic Goo Balls
- Edited Balls: MetalFuseDetach and MetalInvincibleFuseDetach
- Camera Position moved up
- Music and Sound can now adjusted by the Volume Controller
Version 1.9
- New! Dispensers, now you can get more goo
WARNING: Don't over use them
- Added Dutch Language
- Placed 3 new Metal Utilities
- Signpost text is different
- Removed all thumbs.db files inside the goomod
Version 1.9.5
- The Main Sandbox is bigger and better
- Signpost is gone
- More New Utilities
Version 2.0
- Metal Sun repel works!
- Added a new Goo Ball: "MetalStrong"
- Added more particles
Version 2.0.5
- Added 2 new Goo Balls: "MetalFastFuse" and "MetalFastFuseDetach"
- Arranged the dispensers in order at the Dispenser Carrier
Version 2.1
- New Utilities
- Arranged the Dispensers in the main level
- Minor Dispenser is not limited to 4 goo dispensers
- Metal Sun Expands its repel
- Metal Carrier has 12 dynamic objects
- There are deployed goo balls in the main level
- Added more particle effects
Version 2.1.5 (Beta)
- Metal Goo Balls have particle effects on them
- Hinge at the Metal Lever adjusted
Version 2.2 (Gamma)
- Fixed some things
- Removed all the Thumbs.db files
- Typo Fixed: metal_blackn - metal_black
Version | Platform | Release Date | Filename | Size | Downloads |
2.2 (Gamma) | All | Mon, 10/18/2010 - 01:25 | MetalSandboxGamma.goomod | 1.08 MB | 3,212 |
2.1 | All | Fri, 06/04/2010 - 14:57 | TheMetalSandbox.goomod | 1.23 MB | 1,574 |
2.0.5 | All | Tue, 05/25/2010 - 15:52 | TheMetalSandbox.goomod | 1.14 MB | 1,288 |
2.0 | All | Thu, 05/20/2010 - 15:14 | TheMetalSandbox.goomod | 1.09 MB | 1,243 |
1.9.5 | All | Tue, 05/18/2010 - 17:43 | TheMetalSandboxVersion1.9.5.goomod | 1.05 MB | 1,176 |
1.9 | All | Tue, 05/18/2010 - 00:23 | TheMetalSandboxVersion1.9.goomod | 1.05 MB | 1,277 |
1.8.5 | All | Wed, 04/28/2010 - 15:31 | TheMetalSandboxVersion1.8.5.goomod | 890.26 KB | 1,259 |
1.8 | All | Mon, 04/12/2010 - 14:07 | TheMetalSandboxVersion1.8.goomod | 881.04 KB | 1,290 |
1.7.5 | All | Wed, 04/07/2010 - 14:10 | TheMetalSandboxVersion1.7.5.goomod | 853.71 KB | 1,253 |
1.6 | All | Tue, 03/30/2010 - 12:24 | MetalSandboxVersion1.6.goomod | 721.59 KB | 1,254 |
1.5 | All | Tue, 03/16/2010 - 03:51 | Metal Sandbox.goomod | 535.51 KB | 1,333 |
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Tue, 03/16/2010 - 14:44
Wow, this looks great! Mind if the Goo2-Team uses these?
Tue, 03/16/2010 - 15:38
Yea man these little dudes are awesome!
It would be great to use them in WoG2!
btw...Maybe new balls 4 WoG edit should be a separate addin package...
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Tue, 03/16/2010 - 17:06
Tue, 03/16/2010 - 17:32
*GOOedMan is probably amazed
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Tue, 03/16/2010 - 22:05
So many goos to choose from! LOL he probably is...
Sat, 03/20/2010 - 07:25
...a ball creator. Thanks to the forum of Making new types of Goo Balls. You can use these goo balls in World of Goo 2. And Enchanter, why do you get a cheater badge that I saw at the forums?
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Sat, 03/20/2010 - 12:28
Because my life sucks...
Mon, 03/22/2010 - 05:46
Suck? How come Enchanter49 has a cheater badge while Enchanter doesn't have any? And by the way, The Metal Sandbox is now bigger, balls are glowing, no you can use these in World of Goo 2 if you want, fixed some problems for the balls.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Mon, 03/22/2010 - 16:59
Thanks these will help a lot.
Oh, and about ...that other thing..., some knobs were turned, levers pulled, and badges obtained. That is all that I wish to say about the topic.
Thu, 04/08/2010 - 18:58
Has anyone created levels using these balls on this level?
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Fri, 04/09/2010 - 11:31
Not that I know of, no.
I haven't checked the Goo2Forums in a while. Anything could happen. If your balls are used, (that's what she said
) we will add you to our list of contributors.
Fri, 04/09/2010 - 17:07
OK! Sounds Great
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Mon, 04/12/2010 - 12:28
Eh, I myself haven't used any, but I'm kinda a create-my-own-ball-types person anyway. I dunno about anyone else. If I think of a level that can use them, I definitely will!
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Wed, 05/19/2010 - 12:44
Please check out my sandbox which is part of the inspiration of this one.
Oh and by the way inwog I noticed that radial grav zone (like my Venus) need to be itself inside a zero grav zone because here gooballs are still affected by the global gravity.
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
Wed, 05/19/2010 - 16:58
I know but I should fix that in Version 2.0 . We know our sandboxes are similar but the difference is the balls, release dates, artwork and the layout. Yours just cloned MattOG's Sandbox Level while mine I created myself.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Wed, 05/19/2010 - 17:32
you should remove the old screenshots and add new ones because the newest version looks a lot different then the screenshots.
Wed, 05/19/2010 - 18:10
Later or if I have more time.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Thu, 05/20/2010 - 00:28
I didn't just clone I made it BETTER
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
Tue, 06/01/2010 - 18:58
Make a MetalFastLauncherFuse.
EDIT: also make a MetalLauncherStrong, a MetalLauncherStrongFuse, a MetalLauncherFastFuseStrong, a MetalLauncherFastFuseStrongInvincible, a MetalStrongInvincible, a MetalStrongFuse, a MetalLauncherFuseStrongInvincibleDetachable, a MetalFuseStrongInvincible, a MetalFastFuseStrongInvincible, a MetalLauncherInvincible, and lots of other combinations you can think of!
Tue, 06/01/2010 - 21:58
They're too many durr, and I don't have time to make those. And every Metal Goo Ball has only 1 color.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Tue, 06/01/2010 - 22:39
i don't mean do all of them at once. you can do just one at a time and take breaks so you won't be so tired. also i hope you still have enough colors to make them!
Sat, 06/05/2010 - 00:24
I think you should make metal blocks like BlockHeads.
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
Sat, 06/05/2010 - 13:07
and metal rectheads!
Sat, 06/05/2010 - 13:37
Yeah! If you like I can make them and you could use them in your levels!
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
Sun, 06/06/2010 - 02:10
That's a great idea, since I don't have BlockHeads and RectHeads yet, maybe I sould make it on version 2.1.5, but in case, some of my metal levels will be edited, some are not. Thanks durr and momo1526.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Sun, 06/06/2010 - 08:14
Well then, here are the metal BlockHeads (BlockMetal). They're smaller than BlockHeads, if you want Metal RectHeads just tell me.
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
Sun, 06/06/2010 - 16:56
Okay, the BlockHeads look like the blocks in the Metal Carrier. Let me see the RectHeads how they look.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Mon, 06/07/2010 - 02:49
There! right here
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
Sun, 10/17/2010 - 06:01
Msg for inwog:
v2.1.5 doesn't work / won't install on the new GooTool v1.0.3Because you've (accidentally) included the .bin files for MetalFuse in the override folder.
The xml files for MetalFuse are in the compile folder, so all you should have to do is delete the 2 MetalFuse .bin files from the goomod...oh and maybe the 32 thumbs.db's while you're at it.V2.2 (gamma) - Seems to have fixed all that!
Wed, 02/22/2012 - 09:29
Its so fun!
I really love the new Metal Balls!
Thank you! ^^
Sat, 11/22/2014 - 02:30
Very cool sandbox. If you want to glitch it out, look for something sticky and attach it to a block.
Be happy and live life at your own pace