Tumbler Of Gloo

Tumbler Of Gloo ScreenshotAuthor: puggsoy
Total downloads: 1,324
Latest version: 1.0
Release date: 02/08/2011 - 19:47
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with GooTool
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A level I created for my Gloos and Gloo Bottles. The only level I could think up which would require a dispenser of goo.
I made the Gloo and Gloo Bottle goos, but after MOM4Evr pointing out that I should make gooballs along with levels that need them I made this level. I warn you: it is extremely frustrating, unless you're very very skilled at this sort of stuff. If the original WoG was annoying, you are gonna hate this level.

But... hope you like it!

And if someone could give me a good OCD in either moves or seconds, that'd be great.

There is 1 screenshot.

Tumbler Of Gloo Screenshot
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.0AllTue, 02/08/2011 - 19:47com.goofans.puggsoy.levels.TumblerOfGloo_1.0.goomod36.12 KB1,323

There is 1 current download.