Profile Switcher

Author: Pavke
Total downloads: 479
Latest version: 0.1
Release date: 02/08/2011 - 04:42
Overall rating
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Read the description

This programs allows you to easily switch between multiply versions of you profile. It is intended for players that have "chapter addins" installed or they are in the process of making one.
It doesn't edit your profiles and it shouldn't be used that way!

Bug reports and especially your requests for future features are REQUIRED! Smile
Rate and comment so we can make this little program just a little bit better

-Backup: Intended for one use only. Backups your original profile
-Restore: Restores form previous mentioned backup
-Makes, Saves, Loads, Removes: Easy manipulation with profiles as do names say

For now, It only works for Vista and Windows 7 users, XP coming soon!
Special thanks to Albino Pokey and Nick Faro for the original idea

Install instructions:
- download zip file
- extract anywhere
- run ProjectSwitcher.jar
- have fun


Program is completely safe to use but just in case you should make one backup by hand to safe location. I'm not responsible if anything happens to your profile.


Please don't start uploading every profile you have to the leaderboards. They(leaderboards) are interested in original levels only. If you want to compare you "chapter addin" scores use forums or IRC

There is 1 screenshot.

VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
0.1AllTue, 02/08/2011 - 04:42ProfileSwitcher.zip32.07 KB479

There is 1 current download.