Utility Addins

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World of Goo Update

This patch updates World of Goo to version 1.30. It is mirrored here as the official 2dboy download site is no longer available.

World of Goo Profile Renamer
World of Goo Profile Renamer Screenshot

A small program I made. Just for the newbies.

Before you use this program, you must install:
· .Net Framework 4 Client Profile
· World of Goo (and played) (or you have the profile file)

V1.0.2.8 Updated: Merged two language packs; Changed encrypt encoding; Improved encrypt algorithm; Changed application icon; Make window resizable; Made the program smaller.
V1.0.1.2 Updated: Fixed two bugs.

P.S. Remember to make a backup of your profile. And if you find a bug, tell me about that please.

Profile Switcher

Read the description

This programs allows you to easily switch between multiply versions of you profile. It is intended for players that have "chapter addins" installed or they are in the process of making one.
It doesn't edit your profiles and it shouldn't be used that way!

Bug reports and especially your requests for future features are REQUIRED! Smile
Rate and comment so we can make this little program just a little bit better

-Backup: Intended for one use only. Backups your original profile
-Restore: Restores form previous mentioned backup

WOG Options

WOG Options v1.1.5.7

UPDATED! Now you can change color of main menu!

Program for easy change of main game options.

World of Goo Portable
World of Goo Portable Main Interface (With GooTool)

World of Goo Portable is a launcher for World of Goo that automatically copies your World of Goo profile between the computer that you are on and your portable drive.
Important update: This latest release (0.21) fixes an issue with profile copying, along with new features and improvements. Please update!
Also: Source code now uploaded! (People sure love source code? It's on par with the download of the binaries.)

For more information, please see its main thread at http://2dboy.com/forum/index.php/topic,2336.0.html
Thread at GooFans Forum: http://goofans.com/forum/world-of-goo/general-discussion/831

Tested Windows Vista/7 and 64-bit compatible!

Current Version:
[0.21 Beta] (April 30, 2010)

WOG Editor

Editor's Note

Daft as Brush has released an updated and extended version of WoG Editor.
Get it here.

WOG Editor is a level editor for the great puzzle game World of Goo. With WOG Editor, you can create new levels or tweak existing ones. It also integrates with World of Goo, allowing you to test the level you are editing by a simple button click.

World of Goo Console Debugger


This is a program which can get the console output of World of Goo.
But there's some delay because I use the file stream. I try to redirect the output stream to my program but it doesn't work. Sad Waiting for someone to fix this.

You need to install .NET Framework 4 Client Profile to run V1.0.0.0 which has a GUI, get it here.
You can run 2.0 without .NET.

Logo #1

Editor's Note

You can encrypt/decrypt files much easier using GooTool's advanced menu options. This download is provided if you are unable to use GooTool or wish to automate en/decryption.
