Platforms of Goo Addins

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Joined: 01/24/2010

Goosweek wrote:
I think davidc won't support Platforms of Goo with Goo Tool. If we had POG ADDIN TYPE we won't need GooTool. Easily make .zip file containing "addin" files. Unzip into a PoG folder=install addin.

About .ord.txt files.
Next version of the game won't have a possibility to selecting level, but the possiblility of selecting LEVEL-SET (.ord.txt file). In level set you can switch between levels, but there will be three kinds of levels:
STANDARD LEVELS - that you can restart as many times as you want,
RETURN LEVELS - when you fail, you must play previous level again,
ULTIMATE LEVELS - when you fail, you must go at the beginning of the level-set.
But I have some more important things to do, and the next version will be released not soon...

please include :
-accepeted custom tiles
-code list on PoGEditor

Spongebob rulez too Crown Crown Crown Crown


Joined: 12/11/2009

You should use images like .png, .jpg, or .bmp.
Width = 128 (Every tile with X coordinate of the top-left corner grater than 128 can't be used in the game)
Height <= 192, because it's hard to use more than 26 tiles (but possible - not in PooGLE).
Image contains 4 tiles per row

This feature is under construction. Level Code Line is the GML (Game Maker Language - special script system in Game Maker) code, that is executed when level starts. But often variables have polish names, or not everything I want is possible to change. I want to make designing this code easier. Current version of PoG contains some examples of today's use of code.

Joined: 08/07/2010

Over The Hills

Created with PooGLE v.021
Platforms of Goo Level:Over The Hills

Joined: 12/11/2009

And finaly PRE-DEMO VERSION of PoG!

Now we can do something like inwog said: level order.

Joined: 12/22/2009

I made a new set of levels named Warping Worlds Campaign. It has 31 levels in one whole pack. I made new images for the levels and a new headline. So far, it's a long work and a lot of things to do. Here are the levels in this level set:

1-1 Starting
1-2 Bottom Breach
1-3 Pokey Invasion
1-4 Ultimate Blast
1-5 Danger Zone
Benchmark 1
2-1 Welcome to a new journey
2-2 Balloon Motion
2-3 Two way Trap
2-4 Doombust Battle
2-5 Death Defying
Benchmark 2
3-1 Slip and Slide
3-2 Stepping Stones
3-3 Bone Balloons
3-4 Tower of Ice
3-5 Wet Dreams
Benchmark 3
4-1 Detonation Devastator
4-2 Explodonator
4-3 Ignition of Fusion
4-4 As the Rampage begins
4-5 Monster Souls
Benchmark 4
5-1 NanoTech
5-2 System of a Motherboard
5-3 Virus System
5-4 Bone Prison
5-5 The Citadel of 3D
Benchmark 5
6-1 Finale: The Warp Zone


inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015

Joined: 12/11/2009

Can you publish it somewhere?

Joined: 08/06/2010

Maybe in a zip renamed to goomod?

Or put the PoG game in Program Files/WorldOfGoo/PoG and use a goomod's override to place the txt files?

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 12/22/2009

I'm gonna publish today that addin, so I'm checking bugs and missing images for the levels. Don't play the levels through PoG Editor, the custom headline and custom cracked tiles will became normal.



inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015

Joined: 12/11/2009

Umm... I must do something with this bug. PooGLE correctly reads custom tiles, but there's some problem when running game (If PooGLE and game are in different folders). Probably Windows thinks that game is in PooGLE's directory and want to find resources in it?

Joined: 12/26/2010

Goosweek it's A geniuse ajga

Joined: 09/01/2009

@Luis Alejandro: Umm... you aren't really making a good first impression... This is a forum, not a webchat...

Joined: 03/31/2009

@Luis Alejandro

PLEASE BEHAVE AND BE NICE! Don't post nonsense or else bad things will happen Wink

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