Stuff and other

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Joined: 04/17/2011

I haven't been on goofans for about a month or two and I need your level ideas, you could give to me, to add to my map world views. So you may find OIO game somewhere and have a go at it. It's a brainy game and may give you some Wog level ideas, like for me. I'll be writing some other stuff on this topic as well, such as:

Suggestions about Platforms of goo (I had so many enemy ideas, feature ideas and platform ideas, that I just would like to ask Goosweek, to add them to the game)

Thank you.

Joined: 09/01/2009

If you make a post about Tanki Online, I will delete it immediately. Seriously, stop talking about Tanki Online. Forever. This is a World of Goo fansite; we talk about World of Goo here. Talk about Tanki Online on a Tanki Online website, not here. Otherwise, you're just spamming for absolutely no reason because none of us are interested in Tanki Online in the slightest.

I'm sorry for coming across as mean here, but we have asked you politely dozens of times to not mention Tanki Online, and you keep bringing it up. Please just stop annoying us about it.

Joined: 04/17/2011

Ok, I got that. I'll just remove it. Even tho, adding the information by making a topic in pictures of your cat section wouldn't be against the rules, would it? But I won't do that anyway. But how about OIO game? It's really fun and gets really hard when you get to level 8. I have passed it and to the level 9, which I'm at, at the moment. The game has 12 levels. If you're interrested then I'll tell you later about OIO (But not in this topic) and you can watch some levels being played on youtube as well. And as I don't really have time for Wog, you lot could convince me, by being on my skype, so I'd like to ask you, to give me your skype usernames, so I can add you. Mine is wiki-goo

And I'm not sure, if we have used this word, but have you had any trolls, trolling the forum, while I was away?

And do you already have any competitions on the website? Cause Wog is now getting boring. No wonder, why not many people visit this web site - because nothing changes Sad

Uhh,wait you have contest levels right? Well I had some other contest ideas, this web site could have. I could organise them, by making topics, about contest entry and what you have to do, but I'd need a mod to help me out on this. MOM4evr, if this would be acceptable, could you help me on the competition entries? I'll need you to do just a bit of work on this...

Joined: 09/01/2009

So here's the thing: Mentioning Tanki Online or OIO is perfectly fine given the right circumstances. For example, this topic is perfectly fine; in fact I rather liked it. We even talked a bit there about Puggsy, one of puggsoy's favorite games. Notice, however, how Peter started the discussion about it. Nobody asked you about Tanki Online or OIO, and you didn't blabber on about them, which was perfect. If anybody was interested in either game, they'd ask you. They didn't ask you, which means they weren't interested, which means you should shut up about them. Like how I shut up and didn't blabber on and on about Commander Keen, Anachronox, Math Blaster, Aquaria, and any other game I mentioned. Nobody asked, so I shut up. That's how it works.

If nobody is interested in a game you like, and you try and try to get them interested, you're being a spammer. That's what spammers do; they try to sell you something you could care less about. Spammers do annoying things like post on World of Goo forums about Tanki Online, and that's why spammers get banned. This isn't a forum about Tanki Online. This isn't a forum about OIO. This isn't a forum about Commander Keen, Anachronox, Math Blaster, or Aquaria. Which is why we talk about World of Goo here. And which is why there are separate forums across the Internet for talking about these other games (I happen to be a member of a Commander Keen forum and an Aquaria forum, myself). I don't talk about World of Goo in those forums, and I don't talk about those games here. Sure, I may mention them, but if nobody's interested, I shut up. Because if nobody cares what you're talking about, that's the best thing you can do. They'll just get mad if you keep blabbing on and on about things.

As for the rest of your post, if you're bored with World of Goo, then leave. We're cool with that; that's how forums work. Once people have run out of things to say about a game, they stop saying stuff and the forums quiet down. If someone has something interesting to say, they'll say it, otherwise the forums will gradually die out. There are exceptions to this rule, of course, and there generally are a few people who hang out forever, but that's just how it goes. But don't beat a dead horse and keep saying that the forums are inactive when you yourself are saying you "don't have time for WoG." Other people may feel the same way. The forums have been more active in the past few days than they have been for months, so your point is moot anyway.

As for a competition, by all means go ahead. You don't need my support or help. Do it yourself. Red did a contest earlier without any help from moderators.

As for trolls, we've had a couple on infernofans, and I've banned them. I don't think I've ever seen any here, though.

As for Skype, I'm not really active on there, so there's no real point. You can add me on Steam if you'd like, though; my Steam name is the same as my forum username.

Joined: 04/17/2011

You can bann people now? Awesome!

And actually I do need your help, as in:

I'll need someone to lock the topics in time
I'll need someone to help me decide who could be the winner
I'll need someone to delete all the spams, people may make (trolling) in the topics

And load of stuff more, that only mod can do. And to be honest, when I came in the web site today, I saw 15 guests and my self as the member. It's like only me floating around empty web site. Wog is going down, but as it's quite unique and nice game to play, I want to make sure everyone's in to it. By this I want to make MWVs, but I don't have time for I have so many stuff to do in Tanki online and I mean A LOT, especially making my clan. So I suppose I'll be making that thingy, MWV next year January. At least wanna make sure one chapter is done. And I hope AP is still going on goofans, because I need him to 'sellotape' my levels into Chapters and then in MWVs.

Joined: 09/01/2009

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
I'll need someone to lock the topics in time

I'm not sure why you would want topics locked. Please explain.
Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
I'll need someone to help me decide who could be the winner

If you're running the contest, you decide the winner. That's how it works. You don't need my help.
Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
I'll need someone to delete all the spams, people may make (trolling) in the topics

As moderators, we delete all spam anyway, no matter what topic it's on. So that's kind of a moot point.

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
when I came in the web site today, I saw 15 guests and my self as the member. It's like only me floating around empty web site.

Really? 15? That's a ton. On most forums I go on, even very active ones, there's generally only 2 or three guests. A lot of forums around the world have only around one post a day. This is generally a very active forum; we get 2-3 posts every few hours.

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
Wog is going down, but as it's quite unique and nice game to play, I want to make sure everyone's in to it.

I hate to tell you this, but we've been on the downward side of the new player curve for at least the past 2 years. That's how every game ever works. Very few people will discover World of Goo in the next few years no matter what anyone does. 2DBoy has already ported it to practically every platform, so it gained a tremendous amount of popularity that way.
The problem is that trying to bring in new players becomes ludicrous at some point. It's kind of like trying to get everyone you know to watch Finding Nemo. The movie's been out for years, and most everyone has either seen it or never will. And that's fine; that's why Pixar's making new movies. And that's why Kyle (and Ron, I presume) are making new games elsewhere.

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
So I suppose I'll be making that thingy, MWV next year January.

I'm still not sure what MWV stands for or what it entails, as I may have missed your explanation, but sure, go ahead and make it. Don't ask for help, though; just do it. I've seen a lot of projects die over the years because someone asked for help when they themselves simply didn't want to do any of the work.

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
And I hope AP is still going on goofans, because I need him to 'sellotape' my levels into Chapters and then in MWVs.

Do it yourself. Don't ask for AP's help. And especially don't draft AP to help you without his consent.

Joined: 12/23/2010

I think MWV is supposed to stand for MapWorldView.

Joined: 04/17/2011

Yes, exactly what puggsoy said. Well, for me this web site will be famous, when around 15 MEMBERS will be on the web site most of the time and there will be around 30 guests checking out the web site.

And by locking topics in time, I mean the contest topics - I'll need someone to lock them in time, so nobody applies for the contest after it's ended. Now do you see need for your help in here?

Joined: 09/01/2009

You could always just update the forum topic to say the contest is over. Wink

As for the site being "famous," I'm still not sure why you'd want that. But hey, more power to you.

Joined: 08/06/2010

I am still here, Wiki, and willing to help with that when you have some more levels. I've actually been working on a modding tool for Total Conversions (or MWVs as you put it) that should make the process a lot easier.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 12/23/2010

I was planning to do something like that (more specifically for chapters/islands though), but since I'm doing Matchbox plus heaps of other pending things that's awesome that you're doing it. Is this only for MWVs or also islands?

Joined: 08/06/2010

Either. It takes a bunch of levels exported from WooGLE and merges all the files together, although the merge files are still causing weird problems. Then it puts it into an island you specify and makes a goomod file.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 12/23/2010

Oh, cool. Does it help with designing the island itself or does that still have to be done in WooGLE?

Joined: 08/06/2010

That still has to be done in WooGLE, unfortunately.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.