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Creative Rescue

The Rescue of the Goo - a level mod for World Of Goo
English-only, translations welcome!

  • Level design: Nuno Rocha (xsonicx)
  • Graphics: Nuno Rocha
  • Music: Nuno Rocha

Thanks to all people, that play my levels.Visit

Beauty's Escape
Beauty and Ivys

My second level, based on Regurgitation Pumping Station (My favorite WoG level) Big smile!!
OCD is big, so take your time...
Please comment. Have fun!! Smile

/edit: Version 0.2 is out! EvilEyes replaced by a balloon and a rectangle geometry in the left side of the Gears and the lips added. I changed the OCD because I forgot that I deleted the EvilEyes. The Gears now spin. More Ivy Goos added.

Robot Head Destroyers Levels
The Red Robot in Level 1 (Fire for Red)

Robot Head Destroyers Levels is the third set of levels. Try to explode the robot's head to access the pipe system. Addin made by inwog. The gray robot is the final robot in Robot Head Destroyers Levels.

My New Chapter

My first Chapter!Laughing out loud (in Chapter 2 Big smile )

If you find an error or something else, write it in the comments.Glasses

Please rate!


World of Goo Modifier
WoGModifier Main Icon

World of Goo Modifier (aka WoGModifier) is a utility that helps you goomod more easier and faster.


You need to install .NET Framework 4.5.1 (or this link) before using this program, just like you must install JRE before using GooTool.
Although it's a preview version but it has all functions it ever had! And more functions!
Welcome to try and give me some suggestions! And please rate after trying. Tongue


External "Vector Sandbox"

It's something like protothypes from Experimental Gameplay Project.
But the author is not Kyle Gabler, but... Goosweek's Goomods Factory.

This is free area filled by Goo Balls working like this from Information Superhighway.
Two MODS allowed:
NORMAL - with vertical gravity
RADIAL - with central gravity like in Graphics Processing Unit.

Full information about options under F1 key.

The Forest
See? The tree really only partially explodes

The last of the Goo Balls didn't seem to notice...
that this level was in the goomod 1.1 format and that it needed GooTool 1.0.1 or higher to run it!
Or that the music from this level was adapted from Commander Keen episode 4!
Or that no one cares?

Anyway, blow up a dead tree to free a bunch of poor little Goo Balls trapped inside.

But it's just not quite as simple as it sounds.

Version 1.1 Release:

*Collision rectangles enlarged so balls no longer get stuck inside cliff
*Artwork improved slightly

Version 1.2 Release:

World Spin

This addin places all the levels from the original game into chapter 1!

Concept and a lot of the work was done by Daft as Brush; I finished it up and packaged.

The idea for this is to make it so that chapter addins can override any of the other islands without worry of overwriting the original levels. Overriding island 1 will be prohibited in the near future because of this.

The Colour of Goo
going up

A mod to add colour to common goos.

Weegee's Abode
What? Wait... who's in the corner? ...Oh no!

Part of the Computer Craziness pack!
