Forgotten goos

Author: Wikigoo-4evr
Total downloads: 1,254
Latest version: 0.1
Release date: 02/15/2012 - 00:19
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These are the goos that were on World of goo corporation property but were forgotten. For luck I found three types (The names I think out by myself):

1: Spike
2: Violet
3: Packman

Have fun and you can use the goos for your levels if you want to Wink (Please do cause there are meant to be original)

I don't have the level images but I have goo type images from 2dboy website.

World of goo - Forgotten goos Spikes
World of goo - Forgotten goos Spikes
by Wikigoo4evr.
World of goo - Forgotten goos Violet tower
World of goo - Forgotten goos Violet tower
by Wikigoo4evr.
World of goo - Forgotten goos Packman
World of goo - Forgotten goos Packman
by Wikigoo4evr.

There are 3 videos.

There are 2 screenshots.

VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
0.1AllWed, 02/15/2012 - 00:19com.goofans.Wikigoo4evr.ForgottenGoos.goomod90.4 KB1,254

There is 1 current download.